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27.04.2018 16 - 22 April 2018 week

More than 12,000 marine creatures uncovered during West Java deep-sea exploration (Science Daily, 17/04/18) "Le glacier n'est plus qu'une carapace vide" : au Pérou, sur "la route du changement climatique"...[more]

20.04.2018 September 2018 : CALL FOR ABSTRACTS for annual meeting of the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST)

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS for the annual meeting of the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST), which will take place on Thursday 27 and Friday 28 September 2018, in Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Azores Archipelago (Portugal).[more]

20.04.2018 [Sentinel-3B] The second Sentinel-3 satellite is set for launch on 25 April

The second Sentinel-3 satellite, Sentinel-3B, is set for launch on 25 April[more]

19.04.2018 April 2018: Sea ice leads by two sentinels

The fractures in sea ice (or "leads") are important for the estimate of ice thickness from remote sensing. Detecting them can be done using either SAR (Sentinel-1) or altimetry (onboard Sentinel-3A and soon B, Saral, Cryosat...).

19.04.2018 9 - 15 April 2018 week

Pourquoi étudier l’ADN de l’océan?? (Sud Ouest, 10/04/18) Atlantic Ocean Circulation at weakest point in 1,600 years (Science Daily, 11/04/18)  Cette boue japonaise trouvée au fond de l'océan pourrait sauver les nouvelles...[more]

12.04.2018 2 - 8 April 2018 week

Scientists Surprised by Relentless Cosmic Cold Front (NASA, 03/04/18) Plastic partout ! Histoires de déchets (Arte, 04/04/18) Antarctica loses grip(ESA, 03/04/18) Même un réchauffement de 2°C aura une incidence importante...[more]

05.04.2018 19 March - 1 April 2018 weeks

Réchauffement climatique : la menace d’une montée des eaux se confirme dans l’Antarctique (Sud Ouest, 20/03/2018)Geoengineering polar glaciers to slow sea-level rise (Science Daily, 19/03/2018)Cyclone Tropical MARCUS dans...[more]