
14.02.2023 07:39 Age: 2 yrs

[Saral] Saral is operational again

Category: Operational news

Saral is back in routine operations as of 2023/02/09

After the last on-board operations carried out on 2023/02/09 in coordination with Isro, the ground segment was able to produce the Doris orbit and the IGDRs on 2023/02/08 (6h) and 09. The quality control of the IGDR products by the Cnes/CLS CalVal team allowed us to authorize the start-up of the OGDRs at Eumetsat as well as the distribution of the products. 
We were also able to control the switch of the altimeter to Diode acquisition mode on 2023/02/10, at about 12:53 UTC.

For now, a lot of mispointing are detection, and therefore a number of measurements are lost. It is most certainly due to the adjustments of the platform steering necessary after the change of gyroscope. This will be monitored in the coming days.