Gas in the water
Image of the month - August 2002

One of the major unknowns in modeling climate variations is the estimated CO2 content in the atmosphere and absorption of CO2 by the ocean. Here again, satellite altimetry can help. This time it is not measurements of actual sea surface height that interest us, but what the received radar signal can tell us about surface reflectivity. CO2 absorption increases with sea surface roughness. A rough sea surface also causes reflected radar waves to scatter more, meaning that the return signal received by the altimeter is weaker.
Sea surface conditions depend on wind and on many other factors, such as the presence of a surfactant film. CO2 absorption varies seasonally.

CO2 velocity transfer varies with latitude (a). It is very low at the Equator, slightly higher in the Tropics, and higher at latitudes above 30° in the Southern Hemisphere than in the Northern Hemisphere (where there are more continental land masses).
It also varies from one year to another (b).
(Credits WHOI)
See also:
- Newsletter Aviso #8 : Estimation of Air-Sea Gas Transfer Using Jason-1 Dual-Frequency Normalized Backscatter, N.M. Frew, D.M. Glover, E.J. Bock
- Posters SWT 2002 : Global Gas Transfer Velocity Fields Derived from Topex and Jason-1 Normalized Backscatter (pdf, 3 Mb)
Websites on this subject:
- Gas Transfer Velocity from Normalized Radar Backscatter
- JGofs Programme (Joint Global Ocean Flux Study)