- Pollutants
7th continent
- Absolute Calibration
- Jan. 2020: Heat is going up in the Kerguelen fronts, following elephant seals
- May 2018: Eddies' birth and decay around Antarctica
- Jan. 17, 2005: The right color scale for the right data
- July 13, 2005: Variations on MDT
- June 15, 2004: SLA vs ADT
- June 17, 2005: Kuroshio and Gulf Stream
- March 14, 2008: Mediterranean animated currents
- Apr. 2021: Swot simulations of Sahelian ponds and lakes
- Aug. 2023: Assessing coastal vulnerability in Ghana
- Dec. 14, 2007: Drier African monsoon
- Feb. 2021: Altimetry helps to monitor the Congo basin
- Flood in the Zambezi basin
- Mar. 2003: Africa's Great Lakes
- May 2009: Flood in the Zambezi basin
- May 2020: Lake Chad might be recovering
- Sep. 21, 2009: Cold waters and wet African monsoon
- Use of altimetry water level time series by MSF to help displaced communities in South Sudan
- Agulhas current
- Agulhas rings
- Along-track Sea Level Anomalies 5Hz
- CoastalDT-SLA products
- Dec. 21, 2006: Day by day, the Agulhas Current
- Eddies around the world
- February 17, 2009: On the sources of Agulhas Current
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Dynamic Interpolation
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Multiscale Interpolation
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Multiscale Interpolation combining altimetry and drifters
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables combining altimetry and drifters
- Gridded velocities - altimetry and SST
- Jul. 2000: Where currents meet
- Jul. 21, 2008: Steer due East around Antarctica
- July 15, 2004: colors or contours
- June 30, 2003: South of Africa, currents and sea level heights
- May 09, 2007: About ocean variability
- Oct. 2012: Accelerated eddy shedding
- SSALTO/DUACS Experimental products
- Sep. 2010: ASAR vs altimetry South of Africa
- Aug. 2014: The Agulhas current leaks
- Jun. 2017: Eddies everywhere
- May 2011: Between Africa and Madagascar
- Nov. 2010: Mixing Argo and altimetry to estimate salt
- SARAL/AltiKa Science Team
- Nov. 2021: AI learning method to improve altimetry gridding
- Sep. 18, 2008: Eddies in the Gulf of Alaska
- Ice and Cryosphere
- Nov. 2015: Saral measures gaps in sea ice
- Alboran eddies
- Aug. 21, 2007 : The Alboran eddies
- Eddies around the world
- Mar. 2002: A Mediterranean tour
- March 14, 2008: Mediterranean animated currents
- Feb. 2013: Alboran Sea eddies
- Dec. 2016: Testing Algorithms
- Along-track Sea Level Anomalies 5Hz
- Coastal and Hydrological products
- CoastalDT-SLA products
- Experimental Cryosat products (CPP)
- Experimental Sentinel 3 products (Peachi)
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Dynamic Interpolation
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Multiscale Interpolation
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Multiscale Interpolation combining altimetry and drifters
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables combining altimetry and drifters
- Gridded velocities - altimetry and SST
- SSALTO/DUACS Experimental products
- AltiKa, a Ka-band altimeter
- Mar. 2013: Saral: 6 days old, and already measuring
- SARAL/AltiKa Science Team
- SARAL/AltiKa Sea Ice results
- Jan. 2002: From Poseidon-1 to Poseidon-2
- Jun. 2008: Sorting ice from space
- KaRIn: Wide-swath altimeter in Ka-band
- Mar. 2013: Saral: 6 days old, and already measuring
- Altimetry
- Aug. 2012: Altimetry, 20 years and still growing
- Aug. 2019: Fifty years ago...
- Aug. 2022: Thirty years of continuous altimetry
- Bathymetry
- Data
- Home
- Jan. 2019: From La Niña to El Niño, Aviso Image of the Month 20th birthday!
- Mar. 2019: Focusing on small water bodies
- News Saral
- Operational oceanography
- Subglacial lake
- The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
- The 2011 Japan Tsunami
- The 2022 tsunami in the Pacific Ocean (Hunga Tonga volcano eruption)
- Tsunamis
- Altimetry
- Apr. 2010: Drought and flood in the Amazon basin
- Aug. 2020: Tides off the Amazon River mouth
- Drought and flood in the Amazon basin
- Groundwater from altimetry
- July 2014: Groundwater from altimetry
- Malaria and altimetry
- Mar. 2007: Malaria and altimetry in the Amazon
- Oct. 2001: The Amazon under close surveillance
- Rivers
- Sep. 2022: Internal tides off the Amazon shelf change with the seasons
- Aug. 1999: Great Lakes as seen by Topex/Poseidon
- American Great Lakes
- Lakes and enclosed seas
- July 2010: North Atlantic Tides
- Marine animals
- Aug. 18, 2009: Severe typhoon Morakot in the western Pacific
- March 14, 2008: Mediterranean animated currents
- Apr. 21, 2006: Circumpolar velocities
- Cryosphere
- Jan. 2025: 30 years of sea ice for both Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
- Sep. 2016: The Silent World disturbed by icebergs' noise
- Topography measured by altimetry
- Jan. 2020: Heat is going up in the Kerguelen fronts, following elephant seals
- May 2018: Eddies' birth and decay around Antarctica
- Antarctica and the Southern Ocean
- Causes of rising
- Ice and Cryosphere
- Jul. 21, 2008: Steer due East around Antarctica
- Sea ice
- Antarctica and the Southern Ocean
- Apr. 2000: Rivers of ice in Antarctica
- Dec. 2023: Mega-icebergs seen by Swot
- Doris on glaciers
- Ice and Cryosphere
- Jan. 2018: Antarctic megadunes seen in a Digital Elevation Model from altimetry
- Jul. 2011: Altimetry peaks at sea ice
- Jun. 2007: Water flowing under the ice
- Jun. 2008: Sorting ice from space
- Jun. 2012: Antarctica thinning seen by Envisat
- Nov. 2004: A dual-frequency view of Antarctica
- Oct. 2010: Envisat measures up Antarctica
- Sep. 2013: Icebergs on the move
- Sep. 2023: Sea Ice variations around Antarctica
- Speed of ice flow
- Subglacial lake
- Altimetry and Doris applications in videos
- Applications
- Aug. 2022: Thirty years of continuous altimetry
- Jan. 2019: From La Niña to El Niño, Aviso Image of the Month 20th birthday!
- Video with First Swot images
- References : Aral Sea
- Aral Sea
- Aral Sea monitoring
- Jul. 1999: Aral Sea could be rising from the dust
- Lakes and enclosed seas
- Nov. 2003: Aral Sea: nothing new under the Sun
- References : Aral Sea
- Apr. 2020: Arcachon Bay between tides
- Antarctic - Sea Level Heights
- Arctic Ocean - Sea Level Heights
- Arctic sea ice extent as observed by Envisat altimeter
- Dec. 2011: Missing: water
- Feb. 2010: Arctic sea ice shrinks and thins
- Ice and Cryosphere
- Jan. 2022: Ice on the Ob River retrieved by Jason
- Missing: water
- Sea ice extent as observed by altimeters
- Apr. 2018: Sea ice leads by two sentinels
- Arctic Ocean
- Arctic sea ice extent as observed by Envisat altimeter
- Causes of rising
- Feb. 2012: Up North
- Ice and Cryosphere
- Jan. 2025: 30 years of sea ice for both Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
- Long-term prediction
- Nov. 2012: Arctic trends
- Sea ice
- Sea ice extent as observed by altimeters
- Feb. 2006: Heat moves with the eddies
- Jun. 2003: Combining sensors
- MSL Science issues
- Mar. 2005: Floats everywhere
- Multisensors
- Nov. 2010: Mixing Argo and altimetry to estimate salt
- Other techniques
- Sep. 2002: Adding an in-depth view to altimetry
- Sep. 2008: Altimetry to validate Argo
- Aug. 2001: Currents, buoys and children
- Feb. 2017: Tidal currents make a buoy's path spiral
- May 2013: Drifting buoy
- May 2022: A buoy in the Mozambique Channel
- Nov. 2006: Argonautica buoys around a Tehuantepec eddy
- Sep. 2021: A buoy spiraling over Burdwood Bank
- Feb. 2019: Sharks in eddies and meanders
- Green turtles in Mozambique
- Humpback whales
- Leartherback turtles in eddies
- Marine animals
- May 2013: Drifting buoy
- Sail races
- Sep. 2018: A buoy trapped in filaments
- Floods in Pakistan (Summer 2022)
- Mar. 2017: Satellites see the highs and lows of the biggest lake in China
- Satellites see the highs and lows of the biggest lake in China
- Assimilation in wave models
- Irma 2017
- Aug. 2014: The Agulhas current leaks
- Apr. 2005: Series of hurricanes
- Apr. 2011: Routing ships with the currents
- Apr. 2012: Phenomenal seas
- Apr. 2020: Arcachon Bay between tides
- Assimilation in wave models
- Atlantic Ocean
- Atlantic storm
- Aug. 11, 2003: Four seasons in the Atlantic
- Aug. 17, 2005: The seasons of the Gulf Stream
- Aug. 2020: Tides off the Amazon River mouth
- Brazil-Malvinas confluence
- Currents around the world
- Dec. 29, 2009: On the borders of the Gulf Stream
- Dec. 8, 2003: Change of units
- Decadal oscillations
- Feb. 15, 2008: Variable winds in Atlantic Ocean
- Feb. 18, 2004: North Atlantic sea level heights over
- Feb. 2005: Brazil-Malvinas confluence
- Feb. 25, 2010: Navidad current and NAO
- Feb. 26, 2007: Wind fields changes in latitude and in time
- Gulf Stream & Kuroshio
- Isabel 2003
- Jan. 17, 2005: The right color scale for the right data
- Jan. 17, 2006: About Eddy Kinetic Energy (2/2)
- Jan. 2005: Current heat
- Jan. 2013: Salinity gets finer with altimetry
- Jan. 23, 2007: The Equator against the current
- Jul. 2012: North Atlantic Subpolar front shifts
- Jul. 2024: Bay of Fundy tides seen by the FES2022 model
- July 2010: North Atlantic Tides
- July 28, 2003: North Atlantic eddies
- Jun. 2001: An in-depth view
- June 10, 2010: Gulf Stream variability
- June 15, 2004: SLA vs ADT
- June 18, 2009, Meddies in Atlantic Ocean
- June 2016: Turning around in the Lofoten eddy
- Katrina 2005
- Leartherback turtles in eddies
- Mar. 2016: Storm in the Bay of Biscay
- Mar. 27, 2006: Ocean circulation data indicators
- May 15, 2004: Comparing winds and waves
- May 2013: Drifting buoy
- Nov. 10, 2003: Different points of view
- Nov. 20, 2008: Fierce gale for the Vendée Globe fleet
- Nov. 30, 2010: Benguela current, an Atlantic Niño ?
- Oct. 17, 2006: Land effects vs land mask effects
- Oct. 2, 2007: Hurricane Dean trajectory
- Oct. 2024: Swot & swell
- Oct. 6, 2003: Variance
- Opal 1995
- Route du Rhum 1994
- Route du Rhum 1998
- Seasons in the North Atlantic
- Sep. 2021: A buoy spiraling over Burdwood Bank
- Sep. 2022: Internal tides off the Amazon shelf change with the seasons
- Sep. 2024: Changing scale in eddy observation
- Sep. 22, 2006: Atlantic Ocean with steric effects
- Soprane
- Thermohaline circulation
- Tides around the world
- Transat Jacques Vabre 1995
- Vendée Globe 1996
- Aug. 2002: Gas in water
- Aug. 2013: 20 years of typhoons
- Dec. 2005: Atmosphere puts pressure on the ocean
- Mar. 2000: Raindrops keep falling on the sea
- Moon and Sun
- Apr. 21, 2008 : The cool Australian eddy has become giant
- March 28, 2007: Cool Australian eddies
- Oct. 2004: Altimetry helps link bits and pieces of a current together
- May 2017: Ocean mirrors the deep
- MDT-Mediterranean
- Aug. 16, 2004: El Niño on Novembers
- Aug. 17, 2005: The seasons of the Gulf Stream
- Aug. 28, 2006: A breath of air in Arabian Sea
- Feb. 15, 2005: Waves in statistics
- Feb. 15, 2008: Variable winds in Atlantic Ocean
- Feb. 17, 2006: La Niña in sight
- Jan. 15, 2004: Round the Earth with a current
- May 23, 2005: Looks on indian monsoon
- Nov. 10, 2003: Different points of view
- Nov. 17, 2005: Averages in slice
- Nov. 20, 2008: Fierce gale for the Vendée Globe fleet
- Oct. 20, 2003 : Averaging an area
- Oct. 21, 2008: An unusually strong Indian monsoon
- Personal view
- Dec. 17 2010: Cold winter and negative NAO
- June 18, 2009, Meddies in Atlantic Ocean
absolute calibration
Agulhas current
Alboran Sea
altimetry principle
American Great lakes
Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Antarctic Ocean
Aral Sea
Arcachon Bay
Arctic ocean
Atlantic Océan
Atlantic Ocean
auxiliary data
auxiliary product
- Dec. 2010: An island "seen" by altimeter
- Ice on Lake Baikal
- Jan. 2004: Altimetry over land
- Jan. 2022: Ice on the Ob River retrieved by Jason
- Land
- May 2006: Ice on Lake Baikal
- Forecasting rivers
- May 2014: Forecasting rivers
- Apr. 2004: Eddy-steered current
- Apr. 2024: Ocean mirrors the (details of the) depths
- Bathymetry
- Geodesy and geophysics
- Global view of seafloor gravity and bathymetry from one year of Swot
- Jan. 1999: A glassy sea... of ridges and valleys
- Jul. 2003: Currents steered by gaps in the ridges
- Jul. 21, 2008: Steer due East around Antarctica
- May 2015: Better gravity with drifting orbits
- May 2024: Swot measurements help in seafloor mapping
- Mar. 2016: Storm in the Bay of Biscay
- Jan. 17, 2005: The right color scale for the right data
- Nov. 30, 2010: Benguela current, an Atlantic Niño ?
- Altimetry and lobsters
- Biology
- Dec. 2015: Multi-year penguin tracking
- Feb. 2019: Sharks in eddies and meanders
- Feb. 2023: Eddies from altimetry help understand northern elephant seals' behavior
- Feb. 2024: A turtle in the English Channel's tidal currents
- Jan. 2020: Heat is going up in the Kerguelen fronts, following elephant seals
- Jul. 2001: Altimetry and lobsters
- Jul. 2016: Elephant seals and macaroni penguins follow threads
- Jul. 2018: Adopting a Swot crossover for biophysical studies
- Jul. 2022: Filaments in the California Current
- Jun. 2022: Sargassum in the Loop current
- June 2010: Penguins at large
- Mar. 2006: A long way to paddle home for a green turtle
- May 2012: Jellyfish on the move
- Oct. 2011: Crustaceans off Chile
- Sep. 2009: Birds track ocean eddies
- Apr. 17, 2009: Black Sea : a new regional product for the LAS
- Lakes and enclosed seas
- Oct. 2003: Black Sea forecasting
- Jul. 2013: Ob bogs and wetlands
- Ob bogs and wetlands
- Forecasting rivers
- May 2014: Forecasting rivers
- MSL Science issues
- Altimetry and buoys
- Aug. 2001: Currents, buoys and children
- Feb. 2017: Tidal currents make a buoy's path spiral
- MSL Science issues
- May 2022: A buoy in the Mozambique Channel
- Multisensors
- Sep. 2002: Adding an in-depth view to altimetry
- Sep. 2018: A buoy trapped in filaments
backscatter coefficient
Bay of Biscay
Benguela Niño
Black Sea
- Jan. 2002: From Poseidon-1 to Poseidon-2
- Feb. 2002: Well-calibrated measurements
- Jul. 2021: Surface Measurements for Oceanographic Satellites: the SUMOS in-situ and airborne campaign
- Apr. 2009: Cruise around Kerguelen Island
- Apr. 2023: Calibrating Swot over the oceans
- Aug. 2016: It's raining under Jason-3
- Cryosphere
- Feb. 2002: Well-calibrated measurements
- Jul. 2007: Cruising speed measurements
- Jul. 2008: Jason-2 on the tracks of Jason-1
- Jul. 2018: Adopting a Swot crossover for biophysical studies
- Mar. 2013: Saral: 6 days old, and already measuring
- May 2023: Swot in an Estuary-River system
- Oct. 2022: A new Swot mission validation site in brazilian Nordeste!
- SWOT Validation campaign
- Sep. 2008: Altimetry to validate Argo
- June 2021: Swot and the lakes' winds
- Oct. 2, 2007: Hurricane Dean trajectory
- DORIS applications
- Other Geophysical applications
- Access to data
- Aug. 2018: Waves steepen in accelerating currents
- CFOSAT Links and References
- Ground Segment
- Instruments
- Jul. 2021: Surface Measurements for Oceanographic Satellites: the SUMOS in-situ and airborne campaign
- Mar. 2020: CFOSat
- Nov. 2022: Southern swell in wave spectra
- Objectives
- Oct. 2018: A new satellite to measure winds and waves
- Orbit
- Wave / wind CFOSAT products
- Lakes and enclosed seas
- May 2004: Ocean circulation with gravity
- Mar. 2017: Satellites see the highs and lows of the biggest lake in China
- Satellites see the highs and lows of the biggest lake in China
- Brazil-Malvinas confluence
- Antarctica and the Southern Ocean
- Apr. 21, 2006: Circumpolar velocities
- Circumpolar current
- Currents around the world
- Large-scale circulation
- Sep. 15, 2005: Anomalies in geostrophic currents
- Aug. 2004: Summer: wet monsoon season
- Aug. 2014: The Agulhas current leaks
- Climate
- Dec. 2007: What will next season be like?
- Jan. 2015: El Niño played hide and seek in 2014
- Jul. 2015: El Niño's return, West side story
- Long-term prediction
- Mar. 2012: Following Kuroshio paths
- May 2008: Altimeters charts sea level
- Nov. 2001: Tides and the climate
- Seasons
- Tides and climate
- Arctic
- Climate change and the oceans: rising sea level
- Jan. 2025: 30 years of sea ice for both Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
- Jul. 2019: Increasing wave power
- Mean Sea Level
- Oct. 2012: Accelerated eddy shedding
- Aug. 2022: Thirty years of continuous altimetry
- Jul. 2019: Increasing wave power
- Aug. 2016: It's raining under Jason-3
- Rain
- SARAL/AltiKa Science Team
- Aug. 2002: Gas in water
- May 2023: Swot in an Estuary-River system
- Monitoring coasts
- Along-track Sea Level Anomalies 5Hz
- Apr. 2020: Arcachon Bay between tides
- Aug. 2023: Assessing coastal vulnerability in Ghana
- Coastal and Hydrological products
- CoastalDT-SLA products
- Dec. 2009: Understanding marine areas using satellites
- Dec. 2010: An island "seen" by altimeter
- Experimental Cryosat products (CPP)
- Experimental Sentinel 3 products (Peachi)
- Flood in the Zambezi basin
- GPD+ Wet Tropospheric Correction
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Dynamic Interpolation
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Multiscale Interpolation
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Multiscale Interpolation combining altimetry and drifters
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables combining altimetry and drifters
- Gridded velocities - altimetry and SST
- High-resolution coastal observations
- Jan. 2010: Surface mirrors the deep
- Jul. 2006: Closer to the coasts
- Jun. 2015: Current intruding on the continental shelf
- Mar. 2018: Flash flood at the river Têt mouth
- May 2009: Flood in the Zambezi basin
- May 2012: Jellyfish on the move
- May 2019: Liguro-Provençal current seen by in situ instruments and altimetry
- Nov. 2023: Altimetry helps in coastal flood risk warnings
- Nov. 2024: Earthshaking waves from a landslide observed by Swot in a fjord
- Oct. 2015: A future insight to English Channel
- Oct. 2020: Assessing storm impacts on the Mediterranean coasts
- Processing for Coastal and Hydrology products (PISTACH)
- SSALTO/DUACS Experimental products
- Specific processing
- X-TRACK-L2P SLA version 2022
- Aug. 18, 2003: Coloring the data
- Jan. 17, 2005: The right color scale for the right data
- July 7, 2003: Scaling the ocean
- Multi-satellites
- Aug. 17, 2005: The seasons of the Gulf Stream
- Dec. 15, 2004: What's behind "MADTs"
- Dec. 21, 2006: Day by day, the Agulhas Current
- Jan. 16, 2009: Global product vs Mediterranean product
- Jul. 31, 2006: Near-Real Time vs Delayed Time
- July 21, 2003: Tracking El Niño
- June 15, 2004: SLA vs ADT
- June 17, 2005: Kuroshio and Gulf Stream
- Lively data
- May 15, 2004: Comparing winds and waves
- May 24, 2006: In Indian Ocean
- Nov. 27, 2006: El Niño conditions to come
- Sep. 22, 2006: Atlantic Ocean with steric effects
- Feb. 2021: Altimetry helps to monitor the Congo basin
- Constellations
- DORIS applications
- Other Geophysical applications
- ERS-2 reprocessing for continental surfaces
- July 15, 2004: colors or contours
- Apr. 2017: How El Niño and related sea level fall impacted indonesian corals
- Jan. 23, 2007: The Equator against the current
- Dec. 2005: Atmosphere puts pressure on the ocean
- Feb. 2002: Well-calibrated measurements
- Mar. 2000: Raindrops keep falling on the sea
- Principle
- Processing & corrections
- Corsica calibration sites
- Altimeter looks into the crevasses
- Sep. 2023: Sea Ice variations around Antarctica
- Jul. 2018: Adopting a Swot crossover for biophysical studies
- Other Geophysical applications
- Feb. 2010: Arctic sea ice shrinks and thins
- Oct. 2021: Snow on sea ice
- Cryosphere
- Ice and Cryosphere
- Nov. 2015: Saral measures gaps in sea ice
- CTOH Pages
- Climatology near-inertial currents
- ERS-2 reprocessing for continental surfaces
- GPD+ Wet Tropospheric Correction
- General information data processing
- Global mesoscale surface currents
- Hydrology from space CTOH
- Lateral eddy diffusion coef
- Mesoscale processes
- Method for tracking eddies
- News from CTOH
- Processing X-TRACK
- Recent publications in space hydrology (GOHS team)
- References
- Scientific results
- Weekly position of two Southern Ocean fronts
- What are Mesoscale Processes ?
- X-TRACK Coastal products updates and reprocessing
- X-TRACK Dynamic Atmospheric Correction
- X-TRACK Tidal corrections
- X-TRACK-L2P SLA version 2022
- Apr. 2004: Eddy-steered current
- Apr. 2009: Cruise around Kerguelen Island
- Apr. 21, 2006: Circumpolar velocities
- Aug. 2005: Satellites shed light on the Kon Tiki story
- Climatology near-inertial currents
- Global mesoscale surface currents
- Jan. 2008: Like a stone carried away by the current
- Kuroshio
- Large-scale circulation
- Mean Dynamic Topography
- Oct. 2004: Altimetry helps link bits and pieces of a current together
- Oct. 2012: Accelerated eddy shedding
- Sep. 2001: Changing currents
- Apr. 2016: One thousand drifters and one (future) satellite in the Gulf of Mexico
- Aug. 2017: Waves & currents
- Aug. 2018: Waves steepen in accelerating currents
- Aug. 2020: Tides off the Amazon River mouth
- Dec. 2012: Winds and currents around India
- Feb. 2013: Alboran Sea eddies
- Jan. 2012: Tsunami debris on the Pacific
- Jun. 2022: Sargassum in the Loop current
- May 2019: Liguro-Provençal current seen by in situ instruments and altimetry
- Sep. 2021: A buoy spiraling over Burdwood Bank
- Apr. 2001: Tracking hurricanes
- Assimilation in wave models
- Aug. 2007: Altimetric views of a typhoon
- Aug. 2013: 20 years of typhoons
- Cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons
- Hurricanes
- Irma 2017
- Isabel 2003
- Jun. 2004: Nida: altimetric view of a typhoon
- Jun. 30, 2008: Typhoon Nargis
- Katrina 2005
- Man-Yi 2007
- Mar. 2000: Raindrops keep falling on the sea
- Nida 2004
- Nov. 2013: Typhoon Haiyan seen by Saral
- Oct. 2016: A typhoon seen by satellites
- Opal 1995
center of gravity
climate change
continental drift
continental surfaces
crustal motion
- Nov. 2013: Typhoon Haiyan seen by Saral
- Nov. 2023: Altimetry helps in coastal flood risk warnings
- Apr. 2024: Ocean mirrors the (details of the) depths
- Aug. 2021: Understanding phytoplanktonic plumes around the Marquesas Islands
- Coastal and Hydrological products
- Data
- Data products
- Dec. 2019: Mean dynamic topography
- Dec. 2021: FSLEs help to forecast oil spill dispersion
- Experimental Cryosat products (CPP)
- Experimental Sentinel 3 products (Peachi)
- FSLE (Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents)
- Jan. 2019: From La Niña to El Niño, Aviso Image of the Month 20th birthday!
- Jan. 2021: A new "First light" in the Jasons' family
- Jul. 2022: Filaments in the California Current
- Jun. 2017: Eddies everywhere
- Mar. 2023: A new Mean Dynamic Topography released
- May 2024: Swot measurements help in seafloor mapping
- Oct. 2021: Snow on sea ice
- Portfolio of Swot first results
- Sep. 2018: A buoy trapped in filaments
- MDT-Mediterranean
- Higher resolution knowledge of flooded areas over the whole Earth
- Jul. 2017: Higher resolution knowledge of flooded areas over the whole Earth
- Oct. 2, 2007: Hurricane Dean trajectory
- Jan. 2012: Tsunami debris on the Pacific
- Decadal oscillations
- Ssalto/Duacs Delayed-Time reprocessing
- Apr. 2020: Arcachon Bay between tides
- Jan. 2018: Antarctic megadunes seen in a Digital Elevation Model from altimetry
- Focus on...
- Malaria and altimetry
- Dec. 15, 2004: What's behind "MADTs"
- Jan. 16, 2009: Global product vs Mediterranean product
- July 21, 2003: Tracking El Niño
- Jan. 2018: Antarctic megadunes seen in a Digital Elevation Model from altimetry
- Nov. 2017: Tracking water bodies
- DORIS system
- Diode
- Doris
- Nov. 2017: Tracking water bodies
- Dec 2018: Retrieving hidden water contribution to river from space
- Feb. 2021: Altimetry helps to monitor the Congo basin
- Jun. 2019: Modelling the flow
- Dec. 2020: Dispersion in the Mediterranean Sea
- Nov. 20, 2008: Fierce gale for the Vendée Globe fleet
- Principle
- Altimetry and Doris applications in videos
- Dec. 2001: Earth's shifting poles
- Dec. 2017: Sea Level Rise impacts on Miami
- Doris
- Doris on glaciers
- Feb. 2016: Thule Doris station's rising at different velocities
- Feb. 2018: Mean Sea Level in New-Caledonia seen by tide gauges, altimetry and Doris
- Feb. 2020: Monitoring the small wobbles of our Earth's center of mass
- Geodesy and geophysics
- Jul. 2002: Doris measures plate motion
- Jun. 2013: Is the ground rising or the sea decreasing?
- Jun. 2023: Doris validates GNSS-based ionospheric models
- Oct. 2007: South Atlantic Anomaly as seen by Doris
- Oct. 2009: Dumont d'Urville movements measured by Doris
- Oct. 2017: Plate tectonics
- Other Geophysical applications
- Jul. 21, 2008: Steer due East around Antarctica
- Sep. 15, 2005: Anomalies in geostrophic currents
- Climatology near-inertial currents
- Feb. 2012: Up North
- May 2015: Better gravity with drifting orbits
- Apr. 2010: Drought and flood in the Amazon basin
- Dec. 14, 2007: Drier African monsoon
- Drought and flood in the Amazon basin
- May 2020: Lake Chad might be recovering
- Nov. 2020: Altimeters see Pantanal waters at their lowest
- Aral Sea
- Aug. 21, 2007 : The Alboran eddies
- Jan. 16, 2009: Global product vs Mediterranean product
- May 09, 2007: About ocean variability
- Nov. 19, 2007: Mediterranean seasons
- Jul. 31, 2006: Near-Real Time vs Delayed Time
- Archives
- Ssalto/Duacs Delayed-Time reprocessing
- Ssalto/Duacs product changes and updates
- Along-track Sea Level Anomalies 5Hz
- Antarctic - Sea Level Heights
- Arctic Ocean - Sea Level Heights
- CoastalDT-SLA products
- Europe area - Mean and Climatology
- Europe area - Along-track Sea Level Heights
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Dynamic Interpolation
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Multiscale Interpolation
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Multiscale Interpolation combining altimetry and drifters
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables combining altimetry and drifters
- Gridded velocities - altimetry and SST
- SLA extended
- SSALTO/DUACS Experimental products
- Ssalto/Duacs products
- Apr. 2007: Discovering a current in the 21st century
- Apr. 2013: Surface currents, a pinch of winds with altimetry
- Aug. 2004: Summer: wet monsoon season
- Aug. 2006: a multi-sensor's view on biology
- Aug. 2009: Gliding in the sea
- Aug. 2013: 20 years of typhoons
- Dec. 2009: Understanding marine areas using satellites
- Dec. 2012: Winds and currents around India
- Feb. 2006: Heat moves with the eddies
- Feb. 2007: Ierapetra gyre pops in and out
- Feb. 2011: "Lively currents" plus ten years
- Feb. 2012: Up North
- Feb. 2013: Alboran Sea eddies
- Jan. 2006: Merging of altimetry data: proofs from other measurements
- Jun. 1999: An eddy blown by the wind
- Jun. 2000: Lively currents
- Jun. 2003: Combining sensors
- Jun. 2006: Tehuantepec eddies
- Jun. 2009: A corridor of eddies
- Mar. 2009: Striped ocean
- Mar. 2010: Eddies in the Gulf of Alaska
- Mar. 2011: 177,000 eddies in the oceans
- Mar. 2012: Following Kuroshio paths
- Nov. 2011: the ocean is (in part) its own source of variability
- Sep. 2007: Altimetry on eddies' tracks
- Ssalto/Duacs users
- Apr. 2017: How El Niño and related sea level fall impacted indonesian corals
- Feb. 2015: Small fishes in a big ocean
- Oct. 2011: Crustaceans off Chile
- Oct. 2014: Better Mediterranean circulation
- Apr. 2009: Cruise around Kerguelen Island
- Aug. 2005: Satellites shed light on the Kon Tiki story
- Dec. 2007: What will next season be like?
- Jan. 2003: Altimetry and phytoplankton
- Jan. 2008: Like a stone carried away by the current
- Jul. 2005: Several altimetry satellites for ocean forecasts
- Jul. 2009: Jason-2 first year in orbit
- Jun. 2004: Nida: altimetric view of a typhoon
- May 2013: Drifting buoy
- Nov. 2005: Forecasting at oceans' scale
- Nov. 2006: Argonautica buoys around a Tehuantepec eddy
- Oct. 2003: Black Sea forecasting
- Sep. 2004: Four satellites to watch over the Mediterranean
- Ssalto/Duacs users
- Apr. 2016: One thousand drifters and one (future) satellite in the Gulf of Mexico
- Jan. 2013: Salinity gets finer with altimetry
- Jan. 2015: El Niño played hide and seek in 2014
- Nov. 2004: A dual-frequency view of Antarctica
- X-TRACK Dynamic Atmospheric Correction
- Mean Dynamic Topography
data product
Digital Elevation Model
Diode/DEM mode
drifting orbits
Duacs product
Dynamic Atmospheric Correction
dynamic topography
- Oct. 2007: South Atlantic Anomaly as seen by Doris
- Jun. 2002: Undersea mountains slow down Earth rotation
- Aug. 2014: The Agulhas current leaks
- Feb. 2019: Sharks in eddies and meanders
- Feb. 2023: Eddies from altimetry help understand northern elephant seals' behavior
- Jan. 2014: 35 years of altimetry!
- Jul. 2009: Jason-2 first year in orbit
- Jul. 2023: Detecting eddies around Antarctica
- Jun. 2009: A corridor of eddies
- June 2010: Penguins at large
- Mar. 2010: Eddies in the Gulf of Alaska
- Mar. 2011: 177,000 eddies in the oceans
- Mar. 2021: Eddies are spreading salt in the ocean
- May 2011: Between Africa and Madagascar
- May 2013: Drifting buoy
- May 2018: Eddies' birth and decay around Antarctica
- May 2021: Typhoon Surigae in the eyes of radars
- Sep. 2011: Cold and warm eddies pair off Vietnam
- Sep. 2018: A buoy trapped in filaments
- Agulhas current
- Agulhas rings
- Alboran eddies
- Altimetry Sea Ice products from CTOH
- Altimetry on eddies' tracks
- Apr. 20, 2005: Geostrophic velocities on the loop
- Apr. 2003: A looping current
- Apr. 21, 2008 : The cool Australian eddy has become giant
- Aug. 2006: a multi-sensor's view on biology
- Aug. 21, 2007 : The Alboran eddies
- Feb. 2006: Heat moves with the eddies
- Feb. 2013: Alboran Sea eddies
- Global mesoscale eddy trajectory product
- Jan. 17, 2006: About Eddy Kinetic Energy (2/2)
- Jan. 2006: Merging of altimetry data: proofs from other measurements
- Jul. 21, 2008: Steer due East around Antarctica
- July 28, 2003: North Atlantic eddies
- Jun. 2017: Eddies everywhere
- June 2016: Turning around in the Lofoten eddy
- Lateral eddy diffusion coef
- META2.0 DT
- META3.0exp NRT
- META3.1exp DT
- META3.2 DT
- META3.2exp NRT
- Mar. 2002: A Mediterranean tour
- March 28, 2007: Cool Australian eddies
- May 2005: Warm and cold eddies part ways
- Mesoscale circulation
- Method for tracking eddies
- Nov. 2006: Argonautica buoys around a Tehuantepec eddy
- Nov. 23, 2009: Meeting the Mindanao and the Kuroshio currents
- Oct. 2012: Accelerated eddy shedding
- Oct. 2013: Salt and temperature vs altimetry
- Sep. 18, 2008: Eddies in the Gulf of Alaska
- Sep. 2007: Altimetry on eddies' tracks
- Tehuantepec eddies
- Aug. 2001: Currents, buoys and children
- May 2013: Drifting buoy
- May 2022: A buoy in the Mozambique Channel
- Nov. 2006: Argonautica buoys around a Tehuantepec eddy
- Dec. 15, 2005: About Eddy Kinetic Energy (1/2)
- Jan. 17, 2006: About Eddy Kinetic Energy (2/2)
- Jul. 21, 2008: Steer due East around Antarctica
- Jan. 29, 2010: Seasonal reverse in the Somali current
- Apr. 2017: How El Niño and related sea level fall impacted indonesian corals
- Aug. 16, 2004: El Niño on Novembers
- Chronology
- Dec. 1998: El Niño is behind rise in sea level
- ENSO back on stage
- El Niño
- El Niño bulletin
- Forecasting El Niño
- Impacts around the world
- Jan. 2007: El Niño on time for Christmas
- Jan. 2015: El Niño played hide and seek in 2014
- Jan. 2016: The 2015 El Niño: An extraordinary Modoki event?
- Jan. 22, 2008: La Niña, westerly current
- Jul. 17, 2009, Prelude to El Niño
- Jul. 2015: El Niño's return, West side story
- July 21, 2003: Tracking El Niño
- Jun. 2024: Here comes La Niña?
- May 15, 2008 : Rossby waves in ENSO events
- Nov. 1998: From El Niño to La Niña?
- Nov. 2002: El Niño under close scrutinies
- Nov. 2009: If it's not El Niño, then it must be his brother...
- Nov. 27, 2006: El Niño conditions to come
- Nov. 30, 2010: Benguela current, an Atlantic Niño ?
- Oct. 18, 2004: An El Niño this year?
- Oct. 20, 2003 : Averaging an area
- Sep. 22, 2003: Along-time data
- What is El Niño/La Niña ?
- El Niño 1997-1998
- Jan. 2016: The 2015 El Niño: An extraordinary Modoki event?
- Nov. 2009: If it's not El Niño, then it must be his brother...
- El Niño
- Feb. 2023: Eddies from altimetry help understand northern elephant seals' behavior
- Jul. 2016: Elephant seals and macaroni penguins follow threads
- Apr. 2020: Arcachon Bay between tides
- Basic principle
- Principle
- Lakes and enclosed seas
- Oct. 2015: A future insight to English Channel
- Apr. 2017: How El Niño and related sea level fall impacted indonesian corals
- Dec. 2015: Multi-year penguin tracking
- El Niño
- El Niño bulletin
- Jan. 2007: El Niño on time for Christmas
- Jan. 2011: La Niña's in turn to wreak havoc
- Jan. 2015: El Niño played hide and seek in 2014
- Jan. 2016: The 2015 El Niño: An extraordinary Modoki event?
- Jan. 2023: 30 years of El Niño by altimetry
- Jul. 17, 2009, Prelude to El Niño
- Jul. 2015: El Niño's return, West side story
- Jun. 2024: Here comes La Niña?
- Nov. 1998: From El Niño to La Niña?
- Nov. 2009: If it's not El Niño, then it must be his brother...
- Altimeter looks into the crevasses
- Feb. 2010: Arctic sea ice shrinks and thins
- Jun. 2008: Sorting ice from space
- Sep. 2010: ASAR vs altimetry South of Africa
- Topography measured by altimetry
- Use of altimetry water level time series by MSF to help displaced communities in South Sudan
- Malaria and altimetry
- Jan. 23, 2007: The Equator against the current
- Geodesy
- Monitoring coasts
- Sep. 15, 2004: Error is part of data
- Subglacial lake
- ERS-2 reprocessing for continental surfaces
- Sep. 22, 2006: Atlantic Ocean with steric effects
- The 2022 tsunami in the Pacific Ocean (Hunga Tonga volcano eruption)
- May 2023: Swot in an Estuary-River system
- Apr. 2020: Arcachon Bay between tides
- Dec 2018: Retrieving hidden water contribution to river from space
- Europe area - Mean and Climatology
- Europe area - Along-track Sea Level Heights
- Apr. 2012: Phenomenal seas
- June 2011: Extreme wave heights
- Jan. 2009: Lake heights and sizes from satellites
- Lake heights and sizes from satellites
Earth rotation
El Niño
El Niño 1997-1998
El Niño Modoki
El Niño Southern Oscillation
elephant seals
English Channel
equipotential surface
extreme events
- Feb. 2017: Tidal currents make a buoy's path spiral
- Feb. 2024: A turtle in the English Channel's tidal currents
- Jul. 2024: Bay of Fundy tides seen by the FES2022 model
- FSLE (Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents)
- Aug. 2021: Understanding phytoplanktonic plumes around the Marquesas Islands
- Dec. 2020: Dispersion in the Mediterranean Sea
- Dec. 2021: FSLEs help to forecast oil spill dispersion
- Feb. 2015: Small fishes in a big ocean
- Jan. 2020: Heat is going up in the Kerguelen fronts, following elephant seals
- Jul. 2016: Elephant seals and macaroni penguins follow threads
- Oct. 2008: Thread-like structures extracted from altimetry
- Sep. 2009: Birds track ocean eddies
- Sep. 2018: A buoy trapped in filaments
- Feb. 2015: Small fishes in a big ocean
- Apr. 2010: Drought and flood in the Amazon basin
- Drought and flood in the Amazon basin
- Flood in the Zambezi basin
- Floods in Pakistan (Summer 2022)
- Forecasting rivers
- Higher resolution knowledge of flooded areas over the whole Earth
- Jul. 2017: Higher resolution knowledge of flooded areas over the whole Earth
- Jun. 2018: As the flood flows
- Mar. 2007: Malaria and altimetry in the Amazon
- Mar. 2018: Flash flood at the river Têt mouth
- May 2009: Flood in the Zambezi basin
- May 2014: Forecasting rivers
- Sep. 21, 2009: Cold waters and wet African monsoon
- Use of altimetry water level time series by MSF to help displaced communities in South Sudan
- Along-track Sea Level Anomalies 5Hz
- CoastalDT-SLA products
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Dynamic Interpolation
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Multiscale Interpolation
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Multiscale Interpolation combining altimetry and drifters
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables combining altimetry and drifters
- Gridded velocities - altimetry and SST
- SSALTO/DUACS Experimental products
- Aug. 2011: Southern swell
- Dec. 2003: Warm waters
- Dec. 2013: Mediterranean tides on the move
- Forecasting El Niño
- Irma 2017
- Jun. 2022: Sargassum in the Loop current
- Long-term prediction
- Mar. 2018: Flash flood at the river Têt mouth
- Meteo and rogue waves
- Apr. 2001: Tracking hurricanes
- Apr. 2005: Series of hurricanes
- Aug. 2018: Waves steepen in accelerating currents
- Forecasting rivers
- May 2001: North Atlantic Oscillation makes waves
- May 2012: Jellyfish on the move
- May 2014: Forecasting rivers
- Operational oceanography
- Jan. 2015: El Niño played hide and seek in 2014
- Jul. 2015: El Niño's return, West side story
- Jun. 2018: As the flood flows
- July 13, 2005: Variations on MDT
- May 19, 2009 : Drawing formal mapping error maps
- Dec 2018: Retrieving hidden water contribution to river from space
- Apr. 2005: Series of hurricanes
- Assimilation in wave models
- Apr. 2018: Sea ice leads by two sentinels
- Oct. 2021: Snow on sea ice
- SARAL/AltiKa Sea Ice results
- Sep. 2023: Sea Ice variations around Antarctica
- Frequencies used
- Sep. 2009: Birds track ocean eddies
- Weekly position of two Southern Ocean fronts
- Aug. 2021: Understanding phytoplanktonic plumes around the Marquesas Islands
- Dec. 2021: FSLEs help to forecast oil spill dispersion
- Jul. 2016: Elephant seals and macaroni penguins follow threads
- Jul. 2022: Filaments in the California Current
- Altimetry
- Constellations
- Future evolutions
- GNSS altimetry
- Interferometers
Florida Strait
formal mapping error
- GNSS altimetry
- Forecasting rivers
- May 2014: Forecasting rivers
- Aug. 2010: Altimetry helps search for a wreck
- Feb. 2011: "Lively currents" plus ten years
- Jun. 2000: Lively currents
- Feb. 2020: Monitoring the small wobbles of our Earth's center of mass
- DORIS applications
- Dec. 2001: Earth's shifting poles
- Geodesy and geophysics
- Jun. 2002: Undersea mountains slow down Earth rotation
- May 2004: Ocean circulation with gravity
- May 2017: Ocean mirrors the deep
- May 2024: Swot measurements help in seafloor mapping
- Other Geophysical applications
- Subglacial lake
- May 2015: Better gravity with drifting orbits
- DORIS applications
- Dec. 2002: Ocean ridges
- Geodesy
- Jan. 1999: A glassy sea... of ridges and valleys
- May 2004: Ocean circulation with gravity
- Geodesy and geophysics
- Other Geophysical applications
- Apr. 2024: Ocean mirrors the (details of the) depths
- Feb. 2020: Monitoring the small wobbles of our Earth's center of mass
- Feb. 2022: The tsunami detected by altimeters after the Tonga eruption
- May 2024: Swot measurements help in seafloor mapping
- Oct. 2017: Plate tectonics
- Apr. 20, 2005: Geostrophic velocities on the loop
- Apr. 21, 2006: Circumpolar velocities
- Aug. 4, 2003: Having a closer look
- Dec. 8, 2003: Change of units
- Jan. 17, 2006: About Eddy Kinetic Energy (2/2)
- Jan. 22, 2008: La Niña, westerly current
- Jan. 23, 2007: The Equator against the current
- July 28, 2003: North Atlantic eddies
- June 30, 2003: South of Africa, currents and sea level heights
- Nov. 10, 2003: Different points of view
- Nov. 17, 2004: Currents on the slope
- Oct. 17, 2006: Land effects vs land mask effects
- Sep. 15, 2005: Anomalies in geostrophic currents
- Sep. 18, 2008: Eddies in the Gulf of Alaska
- Mar. 2009: Striped ocean
- Oct. 2011: Crustaceans off Chile
- Oct. 2013: Salt and temperature vs altimetry
- Mar. 2002: A Mediterranean tour
- Jun. 2012: Antarctica thinning seen by Envisat
- Jul. 2019: Increasing wave power
- Mar. 2011: 177,000 eddies in the oceans
- Mar. 2021: Eddies are spreading salt in the ocean
- May 2008: Altimeters charts sea level
- Mean Sea Level
- Validation
- Aug. 2002: Gas in water
- Climate change and the oceans: rising sea level
- Mar. 2001: Mean rise in sea level is only part of the story
- Monitoring coasts
- Nov. 2015: Saral measures gaps in sea ice
- Mean Sea Level
- Validation
- GNSS altimetry
- GPD+ Wet Tropospheric Correction
- GNSS altimetry
- MSL Science issues
- May 2004: Ocean circulation with gravity
- MSL Science issues
- May 2015: Better gravity with drifting orbits
- Dec. 2002: Ocean ridges
- Geodesy
- Aug. 1999: Great Lakes as seen by Topex/Poseidon
- Climate change and the oceans: rising sea level
- Mean Sea Level, Greenhouse effect
- Climate change and the oceans: rising sea level
- Cryosphere
- Feb. 2016: Thule Doris station's rising at different velocities
- Jun. 2008: Sorting ice from space
- Jun. 2013: Is the ground rising or the sea decreasing?
- MDT-Mediterranean
- Ground segment
- Groundwater from altimetry
- July 2014: Groundwater from altimetry
- Mar. 2010: Eddies in the Gulf of Alaska
- Apr. 20, 2005: Geostrophic velocities on the loop
- Apr. 2003: A looping current
- Apr. 2016: One thousand drifters and one (future) satellite in the Gulf of Mexico
- Oct. 14, 2005: Wind and waves
- Aug. 17, 2005: The seasons of the Gulf Stream
- Currents around the world
- Dec. 29, 2009: On the borders of the Gulf Stream
- Dec. 8, 2003: Change of units
- Gulf Stream & Kuroshio
- Jan. 2005: Current heat
- Jul. 2009: Jason-2 first year in orbit
- Jul. 2012: North Atlantic Subpolar front shifts
- June 10, 2010: Gulf Stream variability
- June 15, 2004: SLA vs ADT
- June 17, 2005: Kuroshio and Gulf Stream
- Large-scale circulation
- Mar. 27, 2006: Ocean circulation data indicators
- Oct. 2013: Salt and temperature vs altimetry
- Oct. 6, 2003: Variance
- Sep. 2024: Changing scale in eddy observation
- Altimetry on eddies' tracks
- Feb. 2007: Ierapetra gyre pops in and out
- Jun. 1999: An eddy blown by the wind
- Mar. 2002: A Mediterranean tour
- Mesoscale circulation
general circulation
geodetic phase
geostrophic current
geostrophic currents
global mean sea level
global warming
gravity field
Great Lakes
greenhouse effect
greenhouse gases
ground segment
Gulf of Alaska
Gulf of Mexico
Gulf Stream
- Aviso+ user handbooks
- Nov. 2010: Mixing Argo and altimetry to estimate salt
- May 2021: Typhoon Surigae in the eyes of radars
- Feb. 2006: Heat moves with the eddies
- Jan. 2005: Current heat
- Sep. 2012: Getting smaller details
- Nov. 2021: AI learning method to improve altimetry gridding
- Aug. 2017: Waves & currents
- FSLE (Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents)
- July 15, 2003: Question of resolution
- March 18, 2005: Resolution and smoothing
- Nov. 10, 2003: Different points of view
- Altimetry
- Aug. 2012: Altimetry, 20 years and still growing
- Aug. 2019: Fifty years ago...
- History
- Jan. 2014: 35 years of altimetry!
- Mar. 26, 2010: Eddy activity in South China Sea
- Apr. 21, 2008 : The cool Australian eddy has become giant
- Aug. 21, 2007 : The Alboran eddies
- Dec. 22, 2003: Longitude-time diagram (2)
- Dec. 22, 2008: Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) by the LAS
- Feb. 17, 2006: La Niña in sight
- Jul. 17, 2009, Prelude to El Niño
- June 18, 2009, Meddies in Atlantic Ocean
- May 15, 2008 : Rossby waves in ENSO events
- Nov. 24, 2003: A temporal ocean slice
- Nov. 30, 2010: Benguela current, an Atlantic Niño ?
- Oct. 18, 2004: An El Niño this year?
- Altimetry
- Altimetry
- Use of altimetry water level time series by MSF to help displaced communities in South Sudan
- Apr. 2001: Tracking hurricanes
- Apr. 2005: Series of hurricanes
- Assimilation in wave models
- Aug. 18, 2009: Severe typhoon Morakot in the western Pacific
- Cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons
- Hurricanes
- Irma 2017
- Isabel 2003
- Jun. 30, 2008: Typhoon Nargis
- Katrina 2005
- Oct. 14, 2005: Wind and waves
- Oct. 2, 2007: Hurricane Dean trajectory
- Oct. 2024: Swot & swell
- Opal 1995
- Dec. 2014: Sahelian dry and wet seasons seen by altimetry
- Sahelian dry and wet seasons seen by altimetry
- Altimetry in Mesopotamia
- American Great Lakes
- Apr. 2010: Drought and flood in the Amazon basin
- Apr. 2021: Swot simulations of Sahelian ponds and lakes
- April 2019: Pantanal wetlands
- Aral Sea
- Aral Sea monitoring
- Aug. 1999: Great Lakes as seen by Topex/Poseidon
- Coastal and Hydrological products
- Data products
- Dec 2018: Retrieving hidden water contribution to river from space
- Dec. 2011: Missing: water
- Dec. 2016: Testing Algorithms
- Drought and flood in the Amazon basin
- Experimental Cryosat products (CPP)
- Experimental Sentinel 3 products (Peachi)
- Feb. 2008: Altimetry in Mesopotamia
- Feb. 2021: Altimetry helps to monitor the Congo basin
- Flood in the Zambezi basin
- Floods in Pakistan (Summer 2022)
- Forecasting rivers
- General information data processing
- Groundwater from altimetry
- High-resolution Hydrology
- Higher resolution knowledge of flooded areas over the whole Earth
- Hydrological simulator
- Hydrology from space CTOH
- Jan. 2009: Lake heights and sizes from satellites
- Jan. 2022: Ice on the Ob River retrieved by Jason
- Jul. 1999: Aral Sea could be rising from the dust
- Jul. 2017: Higher resolution knowledge of flooded areas over the whole Earth
- July 2014: Groundwater from altimetry
- Jun. 2007: Water flowing under the ice
- Jun. 2018: As the flood flows
- Jun. 2019: Modelling the flow
- June 2021: Swot and the lakes' winds
- Lake Chad
- Lake heights and sizes from satellites
- Malaria and altimetry
- Mar. 2003: Africa's Great Lakes
- Mar. 2007: Malaria and altimetry in the Amazon
- Mar. 2017: Satellites see the highs and lows of the biggest lake in China
- Mar. 2019: Focusing on small water bodies
- Mar. 2022: Swot and the vegetation around and within lakes
- May 2009: Flood in the Zambezi basin
- May 2014: Forecasting rivers
- May 2016: Readying for SWOT data to be used in hydrology applications
- May 2020: Lake Chad might be recovering
- Missing: water
- Nov. 2003: Aral Sea: nothing new under the Sun
- Nov. 2017: Tracking water bodies
- Nov. 2020: Altimeters see Pantanal waters at their lowest
- Oct. 2001: The Amazon under close surveillance
- Oct. 2022: A new Swot mission validation site in brazilian Nordeste!
- Processing for Coastal and Hydrology products (PISTACH)
- Recent publications in space hydrology (GOHS team)
- References : Aral Sea
- Rivers
- Rivers and lakes monitoring by altimetry
- Satellites see the highs and lows of the biggest lake in China
- Sep. 2020: Swot before Swot
- Specific processing
- Video with First Swot images
- Wetlands
- Mar. 2017: Satellites see the highs and lows of the biggest lake in China
- Satellites see the highs and lows of the biggest lake in China
heat content
heat transport
high resolution
high-level processing
how it works
How satellite altimetry works
humanitarian relief
- Dec. 2005: Atmosphere puts pressure on the ocean
- Altimeter looks into the crevasses
- Apr. 2000: Rivers of ice in Antarctica
- Apr. 2014: Melting in the Kara Sea
- Arctic
- Cryosphere
- Feb. 2009: Water or ice?
- Ice on Lake Baikal
- Jan. 2018: Antarctic megadunes seen in a Digital Elevation Model from altimetry
- Jan. 2022: Ice on the Ob River retrieved by Jason
- Jun. 2007: Water flowing under the ice
- Jun. 2008: Sorting ice from space
- Jun. 2012: Antarctica thinning seen by Envisat
- May 2006: Ice on Lake Baikal
- Melting in the Kara Sea
- Nov. 2008: Counting icebergs
- Oct. 2006: Altimeter looks into the crevasses
- Oct. 2009: Dumont d'Urville movements measured by Doris
- Oct. 2010: Envisat measures up Antarctica
- Oct. 2019: Monitoring an iceberg topography with altimetry
- Sep. 2013: Icebergs on the move
- Topography measured by altimetry
- Mar. 2024: Sea ice observed by Swot
- Apr. 2014: Melting in the Kara Sea
- Feb. 2016: Thule Doris station's rising at different velocities
- Jun. 2013: Is the ground rising or the sea decreasing?
- Melting in the Kara Sea
- Altimeter looks into the crevasses
- Ice and Cryosphere
- Ice sheets
- Jun. 2012: Antarctica thinning seen by Envisat
- Oct. 2009: Dumont d'Urville movements measured by Doris
- Oct. 2010: Envisat measures up Antarctica
- Speed of ice flow
- Topography measured by altimetry
- Nov. 2008: Counting icebergs
- Sep. 2013: Icebergs on the move
- Sep. 2016: The Silent World disturbed by icebergs' noise
- Dec. 2023: Mega-icebergs seen by Swot
- Dec. 2024: Detecting icebergs using altimetry to help marine safety
- Jan. 2017: Wave model with ice
- Oct. 2019: Monitoring an iceberg topography with altimetry
- Eddies around the world
- Feb. 2007: Ierapetra gyre pops in and out
- Ierapetra gyre
- Jun. 1999: An eddy blown by the wind
- Mar. 2002: A Mediterranean tour
- March 14, 2008: Mediterranean animated currents
- Jan. 2002: From Poseidon-1 to Poseidon-2
- Apr. 2009: Cruise around Kerguelen Island
- Apr. 2016: One thousand drifters and one (future) satellite in the Gulf of Mexico
- Apr. 2023: Calibrating Swot over the oceans
- Aug. 2021: Understanding phytoplanktonic plumes around the Marquesas Islands
- Dec. 2020: Dispersion in the Mediterranean Sea
- Feb. 2005: Brazil-Malvinas confluence
- Feb. 2017: Tidal currents make a buoy's path spiral
- Jan. 2013: Salinity gets finer with altimetry
- Jan. 2020: Heat is going up in the Kerguelen fronts, following elephant seals
- Jul. 2007: Cruising speed measurements
- Jun. 2003: Combining sensors
- MSL Science issues
- Mar. 2005: Floats everywhere
- May 2013: Drifting buoy
- May 2022: A buoy in the Mozambique Channel
- May 2023: Swot in an Estuary-River system
- Nov. 2010: Mixing Argo and altimetry to estimate salt
- Other techniques
- Sep. 2002: Adding an in-depth view to altimetry
- Sep. 2008: Altimetry to validate Argo
- Sep. 2012: Getting smaller details
- In-situ products
- Jul. 2021: Surface Measurements for Oceanographic Satellites: the SUMOS in-situ and airborne campaign
- Sep. 2021: A buoy spiraling over Burdwood Bank
- Agulhas current
- Agulhas rings
- Altimetry and lobsters
- Altimetry and phytoplankton
- Altimetry on eddies' tracks
- Apr. 2007: Discovering a current in the 21st century
- Aug. 2004: Summer: wet monsoon season
- Aug. 2011: Southern swell
- Aug. 2014: The Agulhas current leaks
- Aug. 28, 2006: A breath of air in Arabian Sea
- Currents around the world
- Dec. 2008: Monsoons in the altimetry corrections
- Dec. 2012: Winds and currents around India
- Dec. 21, 2006: Day by day, the Agulhas Current
- Dec. 22, 2008: Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) by the LAS
- Feb. 26, 2007: Wind fields changes in latitude and in time
- February 17, 2009: On the sources of Agulhas Current
- Green turtles in Mozambique
- Indian Ocean
- Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)
- Jan. 2024: Internal tides by Swot
- Jan. 29, 2010: Seasonal reverse in the Somali current
- Jul. 2000: Where currents meet
- Jul. 2001: Altimetry and lobsters
- July 15, 2004: colors or contours
- Jun. 30, 2008: Typhoon Nargis
- June 30, 2003: South of Africa, currents and sea level heights
- Leeuwin current extended
- Mar. 2006: A long way to paddle home for a green turtle
- March 18, 2005: Resolution and smoothing
- May 09, 2007: About ocean variability
- May 2002: "Planetary Waves": small amplitudes, large effects
- May 23, 2005: Looks on indian monsoon
- May 24, 2006: In Indian Ocean
- Nov. 2019: 2019 monsoon monitored using altimetry
- Nov. 2022: Southern swell in wave spectra
- Oct. 2002: Summer current, winter current
- Oct. 2004: Altimetry helps link bits and pieces of a current together
- Oct. 21, 2008: An unusually strong Indian monsoon
- Rossby, Kelvin waves
- Sep. 2009: Birds track ocean eddies
- South Indian Counter Current
- Southern Swell in the Indian Ocean
- The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
- The 2011 Japan Tsunami
- Tsunamis
- Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)
- Kuroshio
- Mar. 2012: Following Kuroshio paths
- SARAL/AltiKa Sea Ice results
- Apr. 2015: Through Indonesia
- Apr. 2017: How El Niño and related sea level fall impacted indonesian corals
- Jason-2 interactive views in orbit
- KaRIn: Wide-swath altimeter in Ka-band
- Oct. 2007: South Atlantic Anomaly as seen by Doris
- Dec. 2015: Multi-year penguin tracking
- Groundwater from altimetry
- July 2014: Groundwater from altimetry
- Interferometers
- Internal tide - MIOST
- Jan. 2024: Internal tides by Swot
- Sep. 2019: Internal tides in the Solomon Sea change with ENSO phases
- Sep. 2022: Internal tides off the Amazon shelf change with the seasons
- Aug. 2024: Gibraltar’s internal wave viewed by Swot
- Sep. 2011: Cold and warm eddies pair off Vietnam
- Other Geophysical applications
- Apr. 2020: Arcachon Bay between tides
- Nov. 2013: Typhoon Haiyan seen by Saral
- Dec. 2005: Atmosphere puts pressure on the ocean
- Dec. 22, 2008: Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) by the LAS
- Apr. 2020: Arcachon Bay between tides
- May 2020: Lake Chad might be recovering
- Swot Images of the Month
- Jun. 2023: Doris validates GNSS-based ionospheric models
- Principle
- Irma 2017
- Isabel 2003
- SARAL/AltiKa Science Team
- Feb. 2016: Thule Doris station's rising at different velocities
- Oct. 2017: Plate tectonics
- Apr. 2005: Series of hurricanes
- Assimilation in wave models
ice leads
ice melt
ice sheet
in situ
Indian Ocean
Indian Ocean Dipole
instrumental errors
interannual variability
interannual variations
Internal Tide Model
internal tides
internal waves
internannual variability
International Reference System
inverse barometer
- The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
- The 2011 Japan Tsunami
- Tsunamis
- Nov. 2017: Tracking water bodies
- Dec. 2006: Five years in orbit for Jason-1
- Feb. 26, 2007: Wind fields changes in latitude and in time
- May 09, 2007: About ocean variability
- Twelve years in orbit
- Altimetry and Doris applications in videos
- Jason-2
- Jason-2 interactive views in orbit
- Jul. 2008: Jason-2 on the tracks of Jason-1
- Jul. 2011: Altimetry peaks at sea ice
- May 19, 2009 : Drawing formal mapping error maps
- OSTST Abstracts (2008)
- Apr. 2022: Hand-over in orbit
- Arctic
- Aug. 2016: It's raining under Jason-3
- Irma 2017
- Mean Sea Level
- Meteo and rogue waves
- Monitoring coasts
- Ocean odyssey
- Operational oceanography
- Pollutants
- Poseidon-3B
- Jan. 2021: A new "First light" in the Jasons' family
- Apr. 2005: Series of hurricanes
- Assimilation in wave models
- May 2012: Jellyfish on the move
- AltiKa, a Ka-band altimeter
- Katrina 2005
- Oct. 14, 2005: Wind and waves
- Large-scale circulation
- May 2002: "Planetary Waves": small amplitudes, large effects
- Nov. 24, 2003: A temporal ocean slice
- Rossby, Kelvin waves
- Jan. 2020: Heat is going up in the Kerguelen fronts, following elephant seals
- Feb. 2015: Small fishes in a big ocean
- Aug. 4, 2003: Having a closer look
- Currents around the world
- Gulf Stream & Kuroshio
- Jan. 2005: Current heat
- June 15, 2004: SLA vs ADT
- June 17, 2005: Kuroshio and Gulf Stream
- Kuroshio
- Large-scale circulation
- Mar. 2012: Following Kuroshio paths
- Nov. 17, 2004: Currents on the slope
- Nov. 23, 2009: Meeting the Mindanao and the Kuroshio currents
Kerguelen islands
- Aug. 16, 2004: El Niño on Novembers
- Chronology
- ENSO back on stage
- El Niño
- El Niño bulletin
- Feb. 17, 2006: La Niña in sight
- Impacts around the world
- Jan. 2011: La Niña's in turn to wreak havoc
- Jan. 22, 2008: La Niña, westerly current
- Jun. 2024: Here comes La Niña?
- Nov. 1998: From El Niño to La Niña?
- Sep. 22, 2003: Along-time data
- What is El Niño/La Niña ?
- Southern Swell in the Indian Ocean
- Dec. 29, 2009: On the borders of the Gulf Stream
- Jan. 22, 2008: La Niña, westerly current
- Jan. 23, 2007: The Equator against the current
- FSLE (Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents)
- American Great Lakes
- Aral Sea
- Aug. 1999: Great Lakes as seen by Topex/Poseidon
- Data products
- Groundwater from altimetry
- Hydrology and land
- Jan. 2009: Lake heights and sizes from satellites
- Jul. 1999: Aral Sea could be rising from the dust
- July 2014: Groundwater from altimetry
- Lake heights and sizes from satellites
- Lakes and enclosed seas
- Mar. 2003: Africa's Great Lakes
- Mar. 2017: Satellites see the highs and lows of the biggest lake in China
- Nov. 2003: Aral Sea: nothing new under the Sun
- Rivers and lakes monitoring by altimetry
- Satellites see the highs and lows of the biggest lake in China
- Ice on Lake Baikal
- May 2006: Ice on Lake Baikal
- Lake Chad
- May 2020: Lake Chad might be recovering
- Mar. 2017: Satellites see the highs and lows of the biggest lake in China
- Satellites see the highs and lows of the biggest lake in China
- Jun. 2007: Water flowing under the ice
- Subglacial lake
- Apr. 2021: Swot simulations of Sahelian ponds and lakes
- Jul. 2013: Ob bogs and wetlands
- June 2021: Swot and the lakes' winds
- Mar. 2022: Swot and the vegetation around and within lakes
- Ob bogs and wetlands
- Oct. 2022: A new Swot mission validation site in brazilian Nordeste!
- Dec. 2014: Sahelian dry and wet seasons seen by altimetry
- Hydrology and land
- Land
- Sahelian dry and wet seasons seen by altimetry
- Mar. 2023: A new Mean Dynamic Topography released
- Apr. 2013: Surface currents, a pinch of winds with altimetry
- Dec. 2015: Multi-year penguin tracking
- Dec. 2019: Mean dynamic topography
- Jan. 2005: Current heat
- Mar. 2009: Striped ocean
- Mar. 2012: Following Kuroshio paths
- May 2010: Finer currents
- May 2022: A buoy in the Mozambique Channel
- Oct. 2013: Salt and temperature vs altimetry
- Sep. 2006: Mediterranean currents
- Sep. 2010: ASAR vs altimetry South of Africa
- Aug. 2012: Screencast new LAS
- Dec. 2022: Swot ready for launch
- Jan. 2021: A new "First light" in the Jasons' family
- Leeuwin current extended
- Oct. 2004: Altimetry helps link bits and pieces of a current together
- Hydrology and land
- Jan. 2009: Lake heights and sizes from satellites
- Lake heights and sizes from satellites
- Lakes and enclosed seas
- Malaria and altimetry
- Rivers
- Altimetry and lobsters
- Jul. 2001: Altimetry and lobsters
- Marine animals
- Principle
- June 2016: Turning around in the Lofoten eddy
- Jan. 2023: 30 years of El Niño by altimetry
- Jul. 2012: North Atlantic Subpolar front shifts
- Feb. 17, 2006: La Niña in sight
- Apr. 2003: A looping current
- Jan. 2014: 35 years of altimetry!
- July 15, 2003: Question of resolution
- Jun. 28, 2006: How is SLA distributed
- March 18, 2005: Resolution and smoothing
- Nov. 10, 2003: Different points of view
- FSLE (Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents)
La Niña
La Réunion
Labrador current
Lake Baikal
lake Chad
lake level
Lake Vostok
larce-scale ocean circulation
large scale circulation
large-scale circulation
laser tracking
long time-series
long-term variations
Loop current
Lyapunov exponent
- February 17, 2009: On the sources of Agulhas Current
- Apr. 20, 2005: Geostrophic velocities on the loop
- Aug. 17, 2005: The seasons of the Gulf Stream
- Aug. 21, 2007 : The Alboran eddies
- Dec. 15, 2004: What's behind "MADTs"
- Dec. 21, 2006: Day by day, the Agulhas Current
- Dec. 29, 2009: On the borders of the Gulf Stream
- February 17, 2009: On the sources of Agulhas Current
- Mar. 27, 2006: Ocean circulation data indicators
- March 28, 2007: Cool Australian eddies
- Nov. 17, 2004: Currents on the slope
- Oct. 14, 2005: Wind and waves
- Sep. 15, 2005: Anomalies in geostrophic currents
- Oct. 2007: South Atlantic Anomaly as seen by Doris
- Mar. 2007: Malaria and altimetry in the Amazon
- Brazil-Malvinas confluence
- Dec. 15, 2005: About Eddy Kinetic Energy (1/2)
- Feb. 2005: Brazil-Malvinas confluence
- Jan. 17, 2006: About Eddy Kinetic Energy (2/2)
- Aug. 2007: Altimetric views of a typhoon
- Man-Yi 2007
- Portfolio of Swot first results
- Green turtles in Mozambique
- Leartherback turtles in eddies
- Aug. 2011: Southern swell
- Oct. 17, 2006: Land effects vs land mask effects
- Feb. 15, 2005: Waves in statistics
- Jun. 28, 2006: How is SLA distributed
- Jun. 30, 2008: Typhoon Nargis
- Nov. 19, 2007: Mediterranean seasons
- Oct. 2, 2007: Hurricane Dean trajectory
- Dec. 15, 2004: What's behind "MADTs"
- Dec. 2019: Mean dynamic topography
- Feb. 2003: Ocean currents
- July 13, 2005: Variations on MDT
- June 17, 2005: Kuroshio and Gulf Stream
- MDT-Mediterranean
- Mar. 2023: A new Mean Dynamic Topography released
- May 2010: Finer currents
- Oct. 2014: Better Mediterranean circulation
- Sep. 2006: Mediterranean currents
- Aug. 2010: Altimetry helps search for a wreck
- Dec. 2019: Mean dynamic topography
- Feb. 2003: Ocean currents
- Mar. 2009: Striped ocean
- Mar. 2023: A new Mean Dynamic Topography released
- May 2010: Finer currents
- Oct. 2014: Better Mediterranean circulation
- Apr. 2022: Hand-over in orbit
- Climate change and the oceans: rising sea level
- Dec. 1998: El Niño is behind rise in sea level
- Dec. 2017: Sea Level Rise impacts on Miami
- Feb. 2018: Mean Sea Level in New-Caledonia seen by tide gauges, altimetry and Doris
- MSL Science issues
- Mar. 2004: Tuvalu islands under water
- May 2008: Altimeters charts sea level
- Mean Sea Level
- Nov. 2012: Arctic trends
- Other techniques
- Processing & corrections
- Validation
- Mean Sea Level
- Validation
- Apr. 2024: Ocean mirrors the (details of the) depths
- Geodesy
- Jan. 1999: A glassy sea... of ridges and valleys
- May 2017: Ocean mirrors the deep
- MDT-Mediterranean
- Alboran eddies
- Aug. 21, 2007 : The Alboran eddies
- Dec. 2003: Warm waters
- Dec. 2013: Mediterranean tides on the move
- Dec. 2020: Dispersion in the Mediterranean Sea
- Eddies around the world
- Feb. 10, 2011: High Mediterranean SLA
- Feb. 2007: Ierapetra gyre pops in and out
- Feb. 2013: Alboran Sea eddies
- Ierapetra gyre
- Jan. 16, 2009: Global product vs Mediterranean product
- Jan. 2010: Surface mirrors the deep
- Jul. 22, 2010: Surface circulation in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Jun. 1999: An eddy blown by the wind
- Jun. 2015: Current intruding on the continental shelf
- June 18, 2009, Meddies in Atlantic Ocean
- Mar. 20, 2009: Variability of Mediterranean Sea
- Mar. 2001: Mean rise in sea level is only part of the story
- Mar. 2002: A Mediterranean tour
- Mar. 2018: Flash flood at the river Têt mouth
- March 14, 2008: Mediterranean animated currents
- May 2012: Jellyfish on the move
- May 2019: Liguro-Provençal current seen by in situ instruments and altimetry
- Mediterranean Sea
- Nov. 19, 2007: Mediterranean seasons
- Nov. 1999: Eddies: two sides to the story
- Oct. 2014: Better Mediterranean circulation
- Oct. 2020: Assessing storm impacts on the Mediterranean coasts
- Regional trends
- Seasons in the Mediterranean Sea
- Sep. 1999: Mare nostrum, Mare incognita ?
- Sep. 2004: Four satellites to watch over the Mediterranean
- Sep. 2006: Mediterranean currents
- Sep. 2012: Getting smaller details
- Tides around the world
- test - Mediterranean data
- SWOT Science Meeting 2017
- SWOT Science Team Meeting 2019
- Jan. 2018: Antarctic megadunes seen in a Digital Elevation Model from altimetry
- Causes of rising
- Ice and Cryosphere
- Ice sheets
- Jan. 2001: Mercator takes oceanography into the future
- Jul. 2005: Several altimetry satellites for ocean forecasts
- Mercator
- Nov. 2005: Forecasting at oceans' scale
- Apr. 2002: Resolution is the key
- Aug. 21, 2007 : The Alboran eddies
- Dec. 21, 2006: Day by day, the Agulhas Current
- Jan. 2006: Merging of altimetry data: proofs from other measurements
- Jun. 28, 2006: How is SLA distributed
- March 28, 2007: Cool Australian eddies
- May 09, 2007: About ocean variability
- Nov. 19, 2007: Mediterranean seasons
- Oct. 2, 2007: Hurricane Dean trajectory
- Sep. 2012: Getting smaller details
- Apr. 21, 2006: Circumpolar velocities
- Altimetry Sea Ice products from CTOH
- Global mesoscale eddy trajectory product
- Global mesoscale surface currents
- Jun. 2022: Sargassum in the Loop current
- META2.0 DT
- META3.0exp NRT
- META3.1exp DT
- META3.2 DT
- META3.2exp NRT
- May 2011: Between Africa and Madagascar
- Mesoscale processes
- Nov. 2010: Mixing Argo and altimetry to estimate salt
- Oct. 2008: Thread-like structures extracted from altimetry
- Oct. 2012: Accelerated eddy shedding
- Apr. 2003: A looping current
- Apr. 2016: One thousand drifters and one (future) satellite in the Gulf of Mexico
- Aug. 2006: a multi-sensor's view on biology
- Aug. 2009: Gliding in the sea
- Aug. 2010: Altimetry helps search for a wreck
- Aug. 2014: The Agulhas current leaks
- Dec. 2020: Dispersion in the Mediterranean Sea
- Feb. 2006: Heat moves with the eddies
- Feb. 2007: Ierapetra gyre pops in and out
- Feb. 2011: "Lively currents" plus ten years
- Feb. 2012: Up North
- Feb. 2013: Alboran Sea eddies
- Feb. 2015: Small fishes in a big ocean
- Feb. 2023: Eddies from altimetry help understand northern elephant seals' behavior
- Jan. 2006: Merging of altimetry data: proofs from other measurements
- Jan. 2013: Salinity gets finer with altimetry
- Jan. 2014: 35 years of altimetry!
- Jan. 2020: Heat is going up in the Kerguelen fronts, following elephant seals
- Jul. 2009: Jason-2 first year in orbit
- Jul. 2022: Filaments in the California Current
- Jul. 2023: Detecting eddies around Antarctica
- Jun. 1999: An eddy blown by the wind
- Jun. 2000: Lively currents
- Jun. 2006: Tehuantepec eddies
- Jun. 2009: A corridor of eddies
- Jun. 2015: Current intruding on the continental shelf
- Jun. 2017: Eddies everywhere
- June 2010: Penguins at large
- June 2016: Turning around in the Lofoten eddy
- Mar. 2010: Eddies in the Gulf of Alaska
- Mar. 2011: 177,000 eddies in the oceans
- Mar. 2021: Eddies are spreading salt in the ocean
- May 2003: Flying tandem
- May 2005: Warm and cold eddies part ways
- May 2013: Drifting buoy
- May 2018: Eddies' birth and decay around Antarctica
- May 2022: A buoy in the Mozambique Channel
- Mesoscale circulation
- Nov. 2006: Argonautica buoys around a Tehuantepec eddy
- Nov. 2011: the ocean is (in part) its own source of variability
- Nov. 2021: AI learning method to improve altimetry gridding
- Oct. 2011: Crustaceans off Chile
- Oct. 2023: Swot scans the Southern Ocean
- Sep. 2007: Altimetry on eddies' tracks
- Sep. 2009: Birds track ocean eddies
- Sep. 2011: Cold and warm eddies pair off Vietnam
- Sep. 2018: A buoy trapped in filaments
- Sep. 2024: Changing scale in eddy observation
- Meteo and rogue waves
- Along-track Sea Level Anomalies 5Hz
- CoastalDT-SLA products
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Dynamic Interpolation
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Multiscale Interpolation
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Multiscale Interpolation combining altimetry and drifters
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables combining altimetry and drifters
- Gridded velocities - altimetry and SST
- SSALTO/DUACS Experimental products
- Nov. 23, 2009: Meeting the Mindanao and the Kuroshio currents
- Feb. 15, 2005: Waves in statistics
- Jun. 28, 2006: How is SLA distributed
- Nov. 19, 2007: Mediterranean seasons
- Internal tide - MIOST
- Internal tide - MIOST
- Focus on...
- Mar. 2013: Saral: 6 days old, and already measuring
- Oct. 2018: A new satellite to measure winds and waves
- Apr. 2022: Hand-over in orbit
- Aug. 2022: Thirty years of continuous altimetry
- Jan. 2021: A new "First light" in the Jasons' family
- Dec. 2017: Sea Level Rise impacts on Miami
- Apr. 2015: Through Indonesia
- Aug. 2003: Sea salt seen by altimeters
- Aug. 2010: Altimetry helps search for a wreck
- Aug. 2018: Waves steepen in accelerating currents
- Dec. 2003: Warm waters
- Irma 2017
- Jun. 2019: Modelling the flow
- Mar. 2018: Flash flood at the river Têt mouth
- Nov. 2011: the ocean is (in part) its own source of variability
- Oct. 2020: Assessing storm impacts on the Mediterranean coasts
- Other techniques
- Sep. 2005: Estimating Sea Surface Salinity
- Irma 2017
- El Niño bulletin
- Kuroshio
- Aug. 2004: Summer: wet monsoon season
- Currents around the world
- Dec. 14, 2007: Drier African monsoon
- Dec. 2008: Monsoons in the altimetry corrections
- Dec. 2012: Winds and currents around India
- Forecasting rivers
- Mar. 2017: Satellites see the highs and lows of the biggest lake in China
- May 2014: Forecasting rivers
- May 23, 2005: Looks on indian monsoon
- Monsoon
- Monsoon currents
- Nov. 2019: 2019 monsoon monitored using altimetry
- Oct. 2002: Summer current, winter current
- Oct. 21, 2008: An unusually strong Indian monsoon
- Satellites see the highs and lows of the biggest lake in China
- Sep. 21, 2009: Cold waters and wet African monsoon
- Moon and Sun
- Aug. 18, 2009: Severe typhoon Morakot in the western Pacific
- Green turtles in Mozambique
- Climate change and the oceans: rising sea level
- Dec. 1998: El Niño is behind rise in sea level
- Dec. 2017: Sea Level Rise impacts on Miami
- May 2008: Altimeters charts sea level
- Mean Sea Level
- Processing & corrections
- Validation
- Apr. 16, 2010: Ocean circulation in the Solomon Sea
- Dec. 17 2010: Cold winter and negative NAO
- Feb. 10, 2011: High Mediterranean SLA
- Feb. 25, 2010: Navidad current and NAO
- Jan. 29, 2010: Seasonal reverse in the Somali current
- Mar. 26, 2010: Eddy activity in South China Sea
- Apr. 2024: Ocean mirrors the (details of the) depths
- Jan. 1999: A glassy sea... of ridges and valleys
- May 2017: Ocean mirrors the deep
- Nov. 2021: AI learning method to improve altimetry gridding
- Apr. 2012: Phenomenal seas
- Apr. 2013: Surface currents, a pinch of winds with altimetry
- Apr. 2015: Through Indonesia
- Apr. 2018: Sea ice leads by two sentinels
- Aug. 2021: Understanding phytoplanktonic plumes around the Marquesas Islands
- Feb. 2012: Up North
- Feb. 2013: Alboran Sea eddies
- Jan. 2013: Salinity gets finer with altimetry
- Jan. 2020: Heat is going up in the Kerguelen fronts, following elephant seals
- June 2016: Turning around in the Lofoten eddy
- Mar. 2021: Eddies are spreading salt in the ocean
- May 2013: Drifting buoy
- May 2022: A buoy in the Mozambique Channel
- Nov. 2010: Mixing Argo and altimetry to estimate salt
- Oct. 2013: Salt and temperature vs altimetry
- Sep. 2010: ASAR vs altimetry South of Africa
- Sep. 2018: A buoy trapped in filaments
- Apr. 2016: One thousand drifters and one (future) satellite in the Gulf of Mexico
- Dec. 2020: Dispersion in the Mediterranean Sea
- Feb. 2017: Tidal currents make a buoy's path spiral
- Higher resolution knowledge of flooded areas over the whole Earth
- Jul. 2017: Higher resolution knowledge of flooded areas over the whole Earth
- Jul. 2005: Several altimetry satellites for ocean forecasts
- Mar. 2011: 177,000 eddies in the oceans
- May 2003: Flying tandem
- Processing
- Sep. 2004: Four satellites to watch over the Mediterranean
- Altimetry and buoys
- Aug. 2001: Currents, buoys and children
- Aug. 2006: a multi-sensor's view on biology
- Aug. 2009: Gliding in the sea
- Dec. 2009: Understanding marine areas using satellites
- Feb. 2005: Brazil-Malvinas confluence
- Feb. 2006: Heat moves with the eddies
- Jan. 2003: Altimetry and phytoplankton
- Jan. 2006: Merging of altimetry data: proofs from other measurements
- Jan. 2009: Lake heights and sizes from satellites
- Jul. 2000: Where currents meet
- Jul. 2007: Cruising speed measurements
- Jul. 2022: Filaments in the California Current
- Jun. 2003: Combining sensors
- Jun. 2009: A corridor of eddies
- Lake heights and sizes from satellites
- Mar. 2005: Floats everywhere
- Multisensors
- Nov. 1999: Eddies: two sides to the story
- Nov. 2002: El Niño under close scrutinies
- Nov. 2006: Argonautica buoys around a Tehuantepec eddy
- Nov. 2019: 2019 monsoon monitored using altimetry
- Sep. 1999: Mare nostrum, Mare incognita ?
- Sep. 2008: Altimetry to validate Argo
- Feb. 2015: Small fishes in a big ocean
- Jul. 2018: Adopting a Swot crossover for biophysical studies
- Internal tide - MIOST
- DORIS system
magnetic field
Malvinas confluence
Marine animals
marine meteorology
mean current
mean dynamic topography
mean sea level
Mean Sea Level rise
mean sea surface
Mediterranean Sea
mesoscale circulation
Mid Atlantic Bight
Multivariate Inversion of Ocean Surface Topography
MVR receiver
- Dec. 17 2010: Cold winter and negative NAO
- Feb. 10, 2011: High Mediterranean SLA
- Feb. 25, 2010: Navidad current and NAO
- May 2001: North Atlantic Oscillation makes waves
- Observations
- What is the NAO ?
- Jun. 30, 2008: Typhoon Nargis
- Feb. 25, 2010: Navidad current and NAO
- Dec. 17 2010: Cold winter and negative NAO
- Dec. 29, 2009: On the borders of the Gulf Stream
- Front-page news
- News from CTOH
- Aviso+ Newsletter
- Altimetry
- Jun. 2004: Nida: altimetric view of a typhoon
- Nida 2004
- June 2021: Swot and the lakes' winds
- Mar. 2022: Swot and the vegetation around and within lakes
- Dec. 17 2010: Cold winter and negative NAO
- Observations
- What is the NAO ?
- Dec. 21, 2006: Day by day, the Agulhas Current
- Jan. 16, 2009: Global product vs Mediterranean product
- Jan. 23, 2007: The Equator against the current
- Jul. 17, 2009, Prelude to El Niño
- Jun. 28, 2006: How is SLA distributed
- March 28, 2007: Cool Australian eddies
- Oct. 2, 2007: Hurricane Dean trajectory
- Sep. 22, 2006: Atlantic Ocean with steric effects
- Assimilation in wave models
- Forecasting El Niño
- Forecasts
- Long-term prediction
Navidad current
next missions
North America
North Atlantic
North Atlantic Oscillation
NRT Ssalto/Duacs
numerical models
- Jul. 2013: Ob bogs and wetlands
- Ob bogs and wetlands
- Personal view
- May 2010: Finer currents
- Oct. 2023: Swot scans the Southern Ocean
- Sep. 2010: ASAR vs altimetry South of Africa
- Apr. 2004: Eddy-steered current
- Apr. 2009: Cruise around Kerguelen Island
- Apr. 2013: Surface currents, a pinch of winds with altimetry
- Apr. 2015: Through Indonesia
- Aug. 2020: Tides off the Amazon River mouth
- Feb. 2001: Where does all the waste go?
- Feb. 2003: Ocean currents
- Jul. 2003: Currents steered by gaps in the ridges
- Jul. 2012: North Atlantic Subpolar front shifts
- Mar. 2006: A long way to paddle home for a green turtle
- May 2019: Liguro-Provençal current seen by in situ instruments and altimetry
- Oct. 2008: Thread-like structures extracted from altimetry
- Oct. 2014: Better Mediterranean circulation
- Sub-mesoscale circulation
- Aug. 2021: Understanding phytoplanktonic plumes around the Marquesas Islands
- Feb. 2013: Alboran Sea eddies
- Jan. 2003: Altimetry and phytoplankton
- May 2011: Between Africa and Madagascar
- May 2012: Jellyfish on the move
- Jul. 2005: Several altimetry satellites for ocean forecasts
- Nov. 2005: Forecasting at oceans' scale
- Oct. 2003: Black Sea forecasting
- May 2008: Altimeters charts sea level
- Nov. 2018: Simulating the North Atlantic ocean turbulence at one kilometer-scale
- Jul. 2007: Cruising speed measurements
- Apr. 2023: Calibrating Swot over the oceans
- Data products
- Video with First Swot images
- Dec. 2021: FSLEs help to forecast oil spill dispersion
- Opal 1995
- March 18, 2004: Direct access to the data behind the LAS
- Sep. 8, 2003: Digging into the data
- Operational oceanography
- Apr. 2011: Routing ships with the currents
- Apr. 2015: Through Indonesia
- Aug. 2010: Altimetry helps search for a wreck
- Jan. 2001: Mercator takes oceanography into the future
- Jan. 2012: Tsunami debris on the Pacific
- Jul. 2005: Several altimetry satellites for ocean forecasts
- Mercator
- Nov. 2005: Forecasting at oceans' scale
- Oct. 2003: Black Sea forecasting
- Operational oceanography
- Soprane
- Jason-2 interactive views in orbit
- DORIS applications
- Feb. 2020: Monitoring the small wobbles of our Earth's center of mass
- Along-track Sea Level Anomalies 5Hz
- CoastalDT-SLA products
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Dynamic Interpolation
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Multiscale Interpolation
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Multiscale Interpolation combining altimetry and drifters
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables combining altimetry and drifters
- Gridded velocities - altimetry and SST
- SSALTO/DUACS Experimental products
- 2014 OSTST
- OSTST Abstracts
- Science teams
- Altimetry & Doris posters
- Applications posters
- Posters of satellites
- Nov. 20, 2008: Fierce gale for the Vendée Globe fleet
- May 24, 2006: In Indian Ocean
ocean circulation
ocean color
ocean currents
ocean forecasting
ocean mean sea level
ocean models
oceanographic cruises
oil spill
operational oceanography
overlay plot
- Dec. 2009: Understanding marine areas using satellites
- Jan. 2012: Tsunami debris on the Pacific
- Apr. 21, 2008 : The cool Australian eddy has become giant
- Aug. 16, 2004: El Niño on Novembers
- Aug. 18, 2009: Severe typhoon Morakot in the western Pacific
- Aug. 2005: Satellites shed light on the Kon Tiki story
- Aug. 2007: Altimetric views of a typhoon
- Aug. 2012: Screencast new LAS
- Aug. 2013: 20 years of typhoons
- Aug. 4, 2003: Having a closer look
- Currents around the world
- Dec. 22, 2003: Longitude-time diagram (2)
- Decadal oscillations
- El Niño bulletin
- Feb. 17, 2006: La Niña in sight
- Feb. 2022: The tsunami detected by altimeters after the Tonga eruption
- Feb. 2023: Eddies from altimetry help understand northern elephant seals' behavior
- Gulf Stream & Kuroshio
- Jan. 2005: Current heat
- Jan. 2008: Like a stone carried away by the current
- Jan. 2011: La Niña's in turn to wreak havoc
- Jan. 2016: The 2015 El Niño: An extraordinary Modoki event?
- Jan. 22, 2008: La Niña, westerly current
- Jul. 17, 2009, Prelude to El Niño
- Jul. 2015: El Niño's return, West side story
- Jul. 2022: Filaments in the California Current
- Jul. 31, 2006: Near-Real Time vs Delayed Time
- July 21, 2003: Tracking El Niño
- June 15, 2004: SLA vs ADT
- Kuroshio
- Man-Yi 2007
- Mar. 2004: Tuvalu islands under water
- Mar. 2010: Eddies in the Gulf of Alaska
- Mar. 2012: Following Kuroshio paths
- March 28, 2007: Cool Australian eddies
- May 15, 2008 : Rossby waves in ENSO events
- May 2024: Swot measurements help in seafloor mapping
- Nida 2004
- Nov. 17, 2004: Currents on the slope
- Nov. 17, 2005: Averages in slice
- Nov. 2002: El Niño under close scrutinies
- Nov. 2007: The ocean is going up and down around the Solomon Islands
- Nov. 2009: If it's not El Niño, then it must be his brother...
- Nov. 2013: Typhoon Haiyan seen by Saral
- Nov. 23, 2009: Meeting the Mindanao and the Kuroshio currents
- Nov. 24, 2003: A temporal ocean slice
- Nov. 27, 2006: El Niño conditions to come
- Oct. 18, 2004: An El Niño this year?
- Oct. 20, 2003 : Averaging an area
- Oct. 2011: Crustaceans off Chile
- Pacific Ocean
- Regional trends
- Sep. 15, 2004: Error is part of data
- Sep. 18, 2008: Eddies in the Gulf of Alaska
- Sep. 2019: Internal tides in the Solomon Sea change with ENSO phases
- Sep. 22, 2003: Along-time data
- Tehuantepec eddies
- The 2022 tsunami in the Pacific Ocean (Hunga Tonga volcano eruption)
- April 2019: Pantanal wetlands
- Jan. 2014: 35 years of altimetry!
- Feb. 2015: Small fishes in a big ocean
- Jul. 2016: Elephant seals and macaroni penguins follow threads
- June 2010: Penguins at large
- Nida 2004
- Agulhas current
- Altimetry and phytoplankton
- Biology
- Brazil-Malvinas confluence
- Jul. 2000: Where currents meet
- Tehuantepec eddies
- Eddy Trajectory Atlas
- PISTACH Coastal & Hydrology products: updates and reprocessing
- Processing for Coastal and Hydrology products (PISTACH)
- Specific processing
- Large-scale circulation
- Pollutants
- Oct. 17, 2006: Land effects vs land mask effects
- Oct. 2017: Plate tectonics
- DORIS applications
- Dec. 2021: FSLEs help to forecast oil spill dispersion
- Pollutants
- Apr. 2014: Melting in the Kara Sea
- Melting in the Kara Sea
- Jan. 2002: From Poseidon-1 to Poseidon-2
- Altimetry & Doris posters
- Applications posters
- OSTST - SWT Science Team
- OSTST 2008 (Nice)
- Posters of satellites
- Feb. 2020: Monitoring the small wobbles of our Earth's center of mass
- Apr. 2002: Resolution is the key
- Dec. 2005: Atmosphere puts pressure on the ocean
- Basic principle
- Frequencies used
- Principle
- Pulses and waveforms
- Processing & corrections
- Processing X-TRACK
- FSLE (Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents)
- Data products
- Feb. 2022: The tsunami detected by altimeters after the Tonga eruption
- OSTST Abstracts (2008)
Pacific Ocean
past mission
planetary waves
plate tectonics
polar motion
precise location
- AltiKa, a dual frequency radiometer
- Aug. 2016: It's raining under Jason-3
- Dec. 2008: Monsoons in the altimetry corrections
- Feb. 2009: Water or ice?
- Jun. 2008: Sorting ice from space
- Radiometry
- Aug. 2016: It's raining under Jason-3
- Jun. 2005: Cloudy skies
- Mar. 2000: Raindrops keep falling on the sea
- Rain
- March 18, 2005: Resolution and smoothing
- Software
- Apr. 2017: How El Niño and related sea level fall impacted indonesian corals
- Apr. 2022: Hand-over in orbit
- Dec. 2019: Mean dynamic topography
- May 2017: Ocean mirrors the deep
- Recent publications in space hydrology (GOHS team)
- References
- References : Aral Sea
- Scientific results
- Along-track Sea Level Anomalies 5Hz
- CoastalDT-SLA products
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Dynamic Interpolation
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Multiscale Interpolation
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables - Multiscale Interpolation combining altimetry and drifters
- Gridded sea level heights and derived variables combining altimetry and drifters
- Gridded velocities - altimetry and SST
- SSALTO/DUACS Experimental products
- May 2011: Between Africa and Madagascar
- MSL Science issues
- Altimeter looks into the crevasses
- Bathymetry
- Ssalto/Duacs Delayed-Time reprocessing
- Apr. 2002: Resolution is the key
- Nov. 2021: AI learning method to improve altimetry gridding
- Dec. 2006: Five years in orbit for Jason-1
- Pulses and waveforms
- Dec. 2002: Ocean ridges
- Causes of rising
- Dec. 1998: El Niño is behind rise in sea level
- Ice sheets
- Regional trends
- Altimetry in Mesopotamia
- Apr. 2010: Drought and flood in the Amazon basin
- Data products
- Dec 2018: Retrieving hidden water contribution to river from space
- Dec. 2016: Testing Algorithms
- Drought and flood in the Amazon basin
- Feb. 2008: Altimetry in Mesopotamia
- Flood in the Zambezi basin
- Forecasting rivers
- Groundwater from altimetry
- Hydrology and land
- Jan. 2022: Ice on the Ob River retrieved by Jason
- July 2014: Groundwater from altimetry
- Jun. 2019: Modelling the flow
- Malaria and altimetry
- Mar. 2007: Malaria and altimetry in the Amazon
- Mar. 2018: Flash flood at the river Têt mouth
- May 2009: Flood in the Zambezi basin
- May 2014: Forecasting rivers
- Oct. 2001: The Amazon under close surveillance
- Rivers
- Rivers and lakes monitoring by altimetry
- Dec. 2016: Testing Algorithms
- Floods in Pakistan (Summer 2022)
- June 10, 2010: Gulf Stream variability
- Mar. 20, 2009: Variability of Mediterranean Sea
- Feb. 2004: Rogue waves
- Rogue waves
- May 2002: "Planetary Waves": small amplitudes, large effects
- Large-scale circulation
- May 15, 2008 : Rossby waves in ENSO events
- Nov. 24, 2003: A temporal ocean slice
- Rossby, Kelvin waves
- Dec. 2001: Earth's shifting poles
- Aug. 2002: Gas in water
- Sail races
- Rss feeds
reading routine
reference mission
reference surface
Regional data product
regional dataset
regional variability
river discharge
rogue wave
route du rhum
- Dec. 2014: Sahelian dry and wet seasons seen by altimetry
- May 2020: Lake Chad might be recovering
- Sahelian dry and wet seasons seen by altimetry
- Feb. 1999: Route du Rhum 1998
- Route du Rhum 1994
- Route du Rhum 1998
- Sail races
- Transat Jacques Vabre 1995
- Dec. 2024: Detecting icebergs using altimetry to help marine safety
- May 2013: Drifting buoy
- Aug. 2003: Sea salt seen by altimeters
- Aug. 2020: Tides off the Amazon River mouth
- Jan. 2013: Salinity gets finer with altimetry
- Mar. 2021: Eddies are spreading salt in the ocean
- Nov. 2019: 2019 monsoon monitored using altimetry
- Oct. 2013: Salt and temperature vs altimetry
- Nov. 2010: Mixing Argo and altimetry to estimate salt
- Hydrological simulator
- May 2016: Readying for SWOT data to be used in hydrology applications
- May 2021: Typhoon Surigae in the eyes of radars
- Oct. 2016: A typhoon seen by satellites
- Sep. 2010: ASAR vs altimetry South of Africa
- Mar. 2019: Focusing on small water bodies
- Apr. 2018: Sea ice leads by two sentinels
- Apr. 2018: Sea ice leads by two sentinels
- Jan. 2018: Antarctic megadunes seen in a Digital Elevation Model from altimetry
- 2013 Saral NRT Verification Workshop
- 2014 SARAL Science and Applications Meeting
- Apr. 2014: Melting in the Kara Sea
- Dec. 2014: Sahelian dry and wet seasons seen by altimetry
- Experimental Sentinel 3 products (Peachi)
- Jul. 2013: Ob bogs and wetlands
- Mar. 2013: Saral: 6 days old, and already measuring
- Mar. 2016: Storm in the Bay of Biscay
- Melting in the Kara Sea
- News Saral
- Nov. 2013: Typhoon Haiyan seen by Saral
- Nov. 2015: Saral measures gaps in sea ice
- Ob bogs and wetlands
- Oct. 2021: Snow on sea ice
- SARAL/AltiKa Science Team
- SARAL/AltiKa Sea Ice results
- Sahelian dry and wet seasons seen by altimetry
- Saral for all users
- Jun. 2022: Sargassum in the Loop current
- Altimetry
- Mar. 2013: Saral: 6 days old, and already measuring
- Oct. 2018: A new satellite to measure winds and waves
- Sep. 2017: 25 years, and many more to come
- Altimetry
- Apr. 16, 2004: Saturated color scale
- Aug. 18, 2003: Coloring the data
- July 7, 2003: Scaling the ocean
- Nov. 19, 2007: Mediterranean seasons
- Oct. 2, 2007: Hurricane Dean trajectory
- Sep. 22, 2006: Atlantic Ocean with steric effects
- Apr. 2013: Surface currents, a pinch of winds with altimetry
- SWOT Science Meeting 2017
- SWOT Science Team Meeting 2019
- Science teams
- Aug. 2012: Screencast new LAS
- Sep. 2009: Birds track ocean eddies
- Apr. 2014: Melting in the Kara Sea
- Apr. 2018: Sea ice leads by two sentinels
- Arctic sea ice extent as observed by Envisat altimeter
- Dec. 2023: Mega-icebergs seen by Swot
- Feb. 2009: Water or ice?
- Feb. 2010: Arctic sea ice shrinks and thins
- Ice on Lake Baikal
- Jan. 2025: 30 years of sea ice for both Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
- Jul. 2011: Altimetry peaks at sea ice
- Mar. 2024: Sea ice observed by Swot
- Melting in the Kara Sea
- Nov. 2015: Saral measures gaps in sea ice
- Oct. 2021: Snow on sea ice
- Oct. 2023: Swot scans the Southern Ocean
- Sea ice
- Sea ice extent as observed by altimeters
- Sep. 2023: Sea Ice variations around Antarctica
- Speed of ice flow
- Jan. 2025: 30 years of sea ice for both Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
- Sep. 2023: Sea Ice variations around Antarctica
- Jan. 2025: 30 years of sea ice for both Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
- Apr. 2017: How El Niño and related sea level fall impacted indonesian corals
- Aug. 2013: 20 years of typhoons
- Feb. 2022: The tsunami detected by altimeters after the Tonga eruption
- Jun. 2024: Here comes La Niña?
- The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
- The 2011 Japan Tsunami
- The 2022 tsunami in the Pacific Ocean (Hunga Tonga volcano eruption)
- Tsunamis
- Mean Sea Level
- Validation
- Aug. 2023: Assessing coastal vulnerability in Ghana
- Climate change and the oceans: rising sea level
- Dec. 2017: Sea Level Rise impacts on Miami
- Mar. 2004: Tuvalu islands under water
- May 2008: Altimeters charts sea level
- Mean Sea Level
- Mean Sea Level, Greenhouse effect
- Nov. 2023: Altimetry helps in coastal flood risk warnings
- Validation
- Nov. 2012: Arctic trends
- Mean Dynamic Topography
- Apr. 2005: Series of hurricanes
- Assimilation in wave models
- Sep. 2005: Estimating Sea Surface Salinity
- Feb. 2013: Alboran Sea eddies
- Feb. 2024: A turtle in the English Channel's tidal currents
- Bathymetry
- Bathymetry
- Aug. 11, 2003: Four seasons in the Atlantic
- Aug. 17, 2005: The seasons of the Gulf Stream
- Aug. 28, 2006: A breath of air in Arabian Sea
- Feb. 18, 2004: North Atlantic sea level heights over
- May 2007: Turns of the seasons in the Ocean
- Nov. 19, 2007: Mediterranean seasons
- Seasonal variations
- Seasons
- Seasons in the Mediterranean Sea
- Seasons in the North Atlantic
- Sep. 22, 2006: Atlantic Ocean with steric effects
- Dec. 2007: What will next season be like?
- Seasons
- Apr. 2014: Melting in the Kara Sea
- Melting in the Kara Sea
- Dec 2018: Retrieving hidden water contribution to river from space
- Apr. 2018: Sea ice leads by two sentinels
- Oct. 2016: A typhoon seen by satellites
- Apr. 2018: Sea ice leads by two sentinels
- Irma 2017
- Jan. 2018: Antarctic megadunes seen in a Digital Elevation Model from altimetry
- Mar. 2019: Focusing on small water bodies
- Apr. 2022: Hand-over in orbit
- Jan. 2021: A new "First light" in the Jasons' family
- Sep. 2023: Sea Ice variations around Antarctica
- Feb. 2019: Sharks in eddies and meanders
- Other Geophysical applications
- Apr. 2011: Routing ships with the currents
- Dec. 2011: Missing: water
- Jul. 2013: Ob bogs and wetlands
- Missing: water
- Ob bogs and wetlands
- ERS-2 reprocessing for continental surfaces
- Jan. 2022: Ice on the Ob River retrieved by Jason
- Jul. 2013: Ob bogs and wetlands
- Ob bogs and wetlands
- Aug. 2011: Southern swell
- Hydrological simulator
- May 2016: Readying for SWOT data to be used in hydrology applications
- Sep. 2020: Swot before Swot
- Apr. 17, 2009: Black Sea : a new regional product for the LAS
- Apr. 2017: How El Niño and related sea level fall impacted indonesian corals
- Apr. 21, 2008 : The cool Australian eddy has become giant
- Aug. 11, 2003: Four seasons in the Atlantic
- Aug. 16, 2004: El Niño on Novembers
- Aug. 4, 2003: Having a closer look
- Dec. 14, 2007: Drier African monsoon
- Dec. 15, 2004: What's behind "MADTs"
- Dec. 22, 2003: Longitude-time diagram (2)
- Dec. 22, 2008: Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) by the LAS
- Feb. 17, 2006: La Niña in sight
- Feb. 18, 2004: North Atlantic sea level heights over
- Feb. 2022: The tsunami detected by altimeters after the Tonga eruption
- Jan. 15, 2004: Round the Earth with a current
- Jan. 16, 2009: Global product vs Mediterranean product
- Jan. 17, 2005: The right color scale for the right data
- Jan. 2010: Surface mirrors the deep
- Jul. 31, 2006: Near-Real Time vs Delayed Time
- July 13, 2005: Variations on MDT
- July 15, 2003: Question of resolution
- July 15, 2004: colors or contours
- July 21, 2003: Tracking El Niño
- July 28, 2003: North Atlantic eddies
- Jun. 2024: Here comes La Niña?
- Jun. 28, 2006: How is SLA distributed
- Jun. 30, 2008: Typhoon Nargis
- June 15, 2004: SLA vs ADT
- June 17, 2005: Kuroshio and Gulf Stream
- June 18, 2009, Meddies in Atlantic Ocean
- Mar. 20, 2009: Variability of Mediterranean Sea
- May 09, 2007: About ocean variability
- May 15, 2008 : Rossby waves in ENSO events
- May 19, 2009 : Drawing formal mapping error maps
- May 2007: Turns of the seasons in the Ocean
- May 23, 2005: Looks on indian monsoon
- May 24, 2006: In Indian Ocean
- Nov. 10, 2003: Different points of view
- Nov. 17, 2005: Averages in slice
- Nov. 19, 2007: Mediterranean seasons
- Nov. 2002: El Niño under close scrutinies
- Nov. 24, 2003: A temporal ocean slice
- Oct. 18, 2004: An El Niño this year?
- Oct. 20, 2003 : Averaging an area
- Oct. 21, 2008: An unusually strong Indian monsoon
- Oct. 6, 2003: Variance
- Sep. 15, 2004: Error is part of data
- Sep. 15, 2005: Anomalies in geostrophic currents
- Sep. 18, 2008: Eddies in the Gulf of Alaska
- Sep. 21, 2009: Cold waters and wet African monsoon
- Sep. 22, 2003: Along-time data
- Sep. 22, 2006: Atlantic Ocean with steric effects
- X-TRACK-L2P SLA version 2022
- Mean Sea Level
- Validation
- March 18, 2005: Resolution and smoothing
- Jan. 2013: Salinity gets finer with altimetry
- Oct. 2013: Salt and temperature vs altimetry
- Oct. 2021: Snow on sea ice
- Sep. 2023: Sea Ice variations around Antarctica
- Software
- Dec. 2014: Sahelian dry and wet seasons seen by altimetry
- Sahelian dry and wet seasons seen by altimetry
- Jan. 2004: Altimetry over land
- Apr. 16, 2010: Ocean circulation in the Solomon Sea
- Nov. 2007: The ocean is going up and down around the Solomon Islands
- Sep. 2019: Internal tides in the Solomon Sea change with ENSO phases
- Jan. 29, 2010: Seasonal reverse in the Somali current
- Soprane
- Doris on glaciers
- April 2019: Pantanal wetlands
- Nov. 2020: Altimeters see Pantanal waters at their lowest
- Oct. 2007: South Atlantic Anomaly as seen by Doris
- Mar. 26, 2010: Eddy activity in South China Sea
- Sep. 2011: Cold and warm eddies pair off Vietnam
- Antarctica and the Southern Ocean
- Causes of rising
- Currents around the world
- Dec. 2015: Multi-year penguin tracking
- Dec. 2023: Mega-icebergs seen by Swot
- Dec. 2024: Detecting icebergs using altimetry to help marine safety
- Feb. 2015: Small fishes in a big ocean
- Ice and Cryosphere
- Jan. 15, 2004: Round the Earth with a current
- Jan. 2017: Wave model with ice
- Jan. 2025: 30 years of sea ice for both Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
- Jul. 2011: Altimetry peaks at sea ice
- Jul. 2016: Elephant seals and macaroni penguins follow threads
- Jul. 2023: Detecting eddies around Antarctica
- Jul. 21, 2008: Steer due East around Antarctica
- June 2010: Penguins at large
- Mar. 2025: Computing vertical mixing from Swot sea surface heights
- Nov. 2008: Counting icebergs
- Oct. 2023: Swot scans the Southern Ocean
- Sea ice
- Sep. 2013: Icebergs on the move
- Sep. 2023: Sea Ice variations around Antarctica
- Subglacial lake
- Vendée Globe 1996
- Nov. 2022: Southern swell in wave spectra
- Altimetry
- Processing
- Aug. 2003: Sea salt seen by altimeters
- Mar. 2021: Eddies are spreading salt in the ocean
- Sep. 2005: Estimating Sea Surface Salinity
- Dec. 2003: Warm waters
- Jan. 2015: El Niño played hide and seek in 2014
- Oct. 2013: Salt and temperature vs altimetry
- MSL Science issues
- Sep. 22, 2006: Atlantic Ocean with steric effects
- Apr. 2012: Phenomenal seas
- Atlantic storm
- Mar. 2016: Storm in the Bay of Biscay
- May 24, 2006: In Indian Ocean
- Oct. 2020: Assessing storm impacts on the Mediterranean coasts
- Oct. 2024: Swot & swell
- Storms and high waves
- Mar. 2016: Storm in the Bay of Biscay
- Nov. 2023: Altimetry helps in coastal flood risk warnings
- Mar. 2009: Striped ocean
- Dec. 2021: FSLEs help to forecast oil spill dispersion
- Subglacial lake
- Aug. 2021: Understanding phytoplanktonic plumes around the Marquesas Islands
- Jun. 2022: Sargassum in the Loop current
- Nov. 2018: Simulating the North Atlantic ocean turbulence at one kilometer-scale
- Sub-mesoscale circulation
- Apr. 2016: One thousand drifters and one (future) satellite in the Gulf of Mexico
- Jan. 2020: Heat is going up in the Kerguelen fronts, following elephant seals
- Mar. 2025: Computing vertical mixing from Swot sea surface heights
- Sep. 2024: Changing scale in eddy observation
- Moon and Sun
- Oct. 2024: Swot & swell
- Southern Swell in the Indian Ocean
- Aug. 2017: Waves & currents
- Aug. 2018: Waves steepen in accelerating currents
- Jul. 2019: Increasing wave power
- Mar. 2020: CFOSat
- Nov. 2013: Typhoon Haiyan seen by Saral
- Oct. 2016: A typhoon seen by satellites
- Altimetry courses
- Apr. 2016: One thousand drifters and one (future) satellite in the Gulf of Mexico
- Apr. 2020: Arcachon Bay between tides
- Apr. 2021: Swot simulations of Sahelian ponds and lakes
- Apr. 2023: Calibrating Swot over the oceans
- April 2019: Pantanal wetlands
- Aug. 2017: Waves & currents
- Aug. 2024: Gibraltar’s internal wave viewed by Swot
- CalVal orbit ("fast sampling" at 1 day)
- Contacts
- Data products
- Dec 2018: Retrieving hidden water contribution to river from space
- Dec. 2016: Testing Algorithms
- Dec. 2022: Swot ready for launch
- Dec. 2023: Mega-icebergs seen by Swot
- Dec. 2024: Detecting icebergs using altimetry to help marine safety
- Feb. 2021: Altimetry helps to monitor the Congo basin
- Forecasting rivers
- Global view of seafloor gravity and bathymetry from one year of Swot
- High-resolution Hydrology
- High-resolution coastal observations
- Higher resolution knowledge of flooded areas over the whole Earth
- Hydrological simulator
- Instruments
- Interferometers
- Internal Tides
- Jan. 2024: Internal tides by Swot
- Jul. 2017: Higher resolution knowledge of flooded areas over the whole Earth
- Jul. 2018: Adopting a Swot crossover for biophysical studies
- Jun. 2018: As the flood flows
- Jun. 2019: Modelling the flow
- June 2021: Swot and the lakes' winds
- KaRIn: Wide-swath altimeter in Ka-band
- Key dates
- Mar. 2017: Satellites see the highs and lows of the biggest lake in China
- Mar. 2018: Flash flood at the river Têt mouth
- Mar. 2019: Focusing on small water bodies
- Mar. 2022: Swot and the vegetation around and within lakes
- Mar. 2024: Sea ice observed by Swot
- Mar. 2025: Computing vertical mixing from Swot sea surface heights
- May 2014: Forecasting rivers
- May 2016: Readying for SWOT data to be used in hydrology applications
- May 2020: Lake Chad might be recovering
- May 2023: Swot in an Estuary-River system
- May 2024: Swot measurements help in seafloor mapping
- Nov. 2017: Tracking water bodies
- Nov. 2018: Simulating the North Atlantic ocean turbulence at one kilometer-scale
- Nov. 2024: Earthshaking waves from a landslide observed by Swot in a fjord
- Objectives & Applications
- Oct. 2015: A future insight to English Channel
- Oct. 2022: A new Swot mission validation site in brazilian Nordeste!
- Oct. 2023: Swot scans the Southern Ocean
- Oct. 2024: Swot & swell
- Orbit
- Other meetings on Swot
- Portfolio of Swot first results
- Program
- SWOT Links and References
- SWOT Preparatory Programme
- SWOT Science Meeting 2017
- SWOT Science Team Meeting 2018
- SWOT Science Team Meeting 2019
- SWOT Science Team Meeting 2019 (Bordeaux, France) - Oral
- SWOT Science Team Meeting 2019 (Bordeaux, France) - posters
- SWOT Validation campaign
- Satellites see the highs and lows of the biggest lake in China
- Science Definition Team (SDT)
- Science orbit (21 days)
- Sep. 2019: Internal tides in the Solomon Sea change with ENSO phases
- Sep. 2020: Swot before Swot
- Sep. 2022: Internal tides off the Amazon shelf change with the seasons
- Sep. 2024: Changing scale in eddy observation
- Sub-mesoscale circulation
- Swot
- Swot Images of the Month
- Swot Science Team
- Video with First Swot images
sail race
sail races
sailing race
SAR altimetry
SAR imagery
SAR mode
satellites merging
science team meeting
Science Teams
sea bird
sea ice
sea ice thickness
sea ice volume
sea level anomalies
sea level anomaly
Sea level change
sea level rise
sea level trends
sea level variability
sea state forecast
sea surface salinity
sea surface temperature
sea turtle
seafloor depth
seafloor topography
seasonal forecasting
shifting poles
ship routing
significant wave height
snow depth
soil moisture
solid land
Solomon sea
Sorsdal Glacier
South America
South Atlantic Anomaly
South China Sea
Southern Ocean
southern swell
storm surge
sub-mesoscale circulation
subglacial lake
submesoscale circulation
- Apr. 2002: Resolution is the key
- May 2003: Flying tandem
- Aug. 2007: Altimetric views of a typhoon
- Aug. 2013: 20 years of typhoons
- Altimetry
- Mar. 2019: Focusing on small water bodies
- Other Geophysical applications
- Dec. 2002: Ocean ridges
- Jul. 2002: Doris measures plate motion
- Aug. 2006: a multi-sensor's view on biology
- Eddies around the world
- Jun. 2006: Tehuantepec eddies
- Nov. 2006: Argonautica buoys around a Tehuantepec eddy
- Tehuantepec eddies
- Jan. 2015: El Niño played hide and seek in 2014
- Nov. 2002: El Niño under close scrutinies
- DORIS system
- Causes of rising
- Jun. 2001: An in-depth view
- Large-scale circulation
- Thermohaline circulation
- Jan. 2010: Surface mirrors the deep
- MSL Science issues
- Ice on Lake Baikal
- Sea ice
- Feb. 2017: Tidal currents make a buoy's path spiral
- Forecasts
- Global tide - FES
- Jun. 2002: Undersea mountains slow down Earth rotation
- Mar. 2004: Tuvalu islands under water
- Moon and Sun
- Nov. 2001: Tides and the climate
- Sep. 2001: Changing currents
- Tides
- Tides and climate
- Tides around the world
- Absolute Calibration
- Corsica calibration sites
- Feb. 2002: Well-calibrated measurements
- Feb. 2018: Mean Sea Level in New-Caledonia seen by tide gauges, altimetry and Doris
- Jun. 2013: Is the ground rising or the sea decreasing?
- Other techniques
- Dec. 2017: Sea Level Rise impacts on Miami
- Feb. 2012: Up North
- In-situ products
- Aug. 2020: Tides off the Amazon River mouth
- Dec. 2013: Mediterranean tides on the move
- Feb. 2017: Tidal currents make a buoy's path spiral
- Feb. 2024: A turtle in the English Channel's tidal currents
- Internal Tides
- Jan. 2024: Internal tides by Swot
- Jul. 2024: Bay of Fundy tides seen by the FES2022 model
- July 2010: North Atlantic Tides
- Mar. 2016: Storm in the Bay of Biscay
- May 2023: Swot in an Estuary-River system
- Nov. 2023: Altimetry helps in coastal flood risk warnings
- Sep. 2019: Internal tides in the Solomon Sea change with ENSO phases
- Sep. 2021: A buoy spiraling over Burdwood Bank
- Sep. 2022: Internal tides off the Amazon shelf change with the seasons
- X-TRACK Tidal corrections
- Dec. 17 2010: Cold winter and negative NAO
- Nov. 30, 2010: Benguela current, an Atlantic Niño ?
- Feb. 18, 2004: North Atlantic sea level heights over
- Nov. 17, 2005: Averages in slice
- Oct. 20, 2003 : Averaging an area
- Sep. 22, 2003: Along-time data
- Jan. 2009: Lake heights and sizes from satellites
- Lake heights and sizes from satellites
- The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
- The 2011 Japan Tsunami
- Tsunamis
- Aug. 2012: Altimetry, 20 years and still growing
- Aug. 2022: Thirty years of continuous altimetry
- Focus on...
- Jan. 2023: 30 years of El Niño by altimetry
- Sep. 2017: 25 years, and many more to come
- Jan. 2018: Antarctic megadunes seen in a Digital Elevation Model from altimetry
- Oct. 2010: Envisat measures up Antarctica
- Oct. 2019: Monitoring an iceberg topography with altimetry
- Speed of ice flow
- Subglacial lake
- Topography measured by altimetry
- Altimetry Sea Ice products from CTOH
- Global mesoscale eddy trajectory product
- META2.0 DT
- META3.0exp NRT
- META3.1exp DT
- META3.2 DT
- META3.2exp NRT
- Nov. 2017: Tracking water bodies
- Jan. 23, 2007: The Equator against the current
- May 2021: Typhoon Surigae in the eyes of radars
- Feb. 2022: The tsunami detected by altimeters after the Tonga eruption
- Geodesy and geophysics
- Nov. 2024: Earthshaking waves from a landslide observed by Swot in a fjord
- The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
- The 2011 Japan Tsunami
- The 2022 tsunami in the Pacific Ocean (Hunga Tonga volcano eruption)
- Tsunamis
- Nov. 2018: Simulating the North Atlantic ocean turbulence at one kilometer-scale
- Green turtles in Mozambique
- Leartherback turtles in eddies
- Mar. 2006: A long way to paddle home for a green turtle
- Marine animals
- Mar. 2004: Tuvalu islands under water
- Aug. 18, 2009: Severe typhoon Morakot in the western Pacific
- Aug. 2007: Altimetric views of a typhoon
- Aug. 2012: Screencast new LAS
- Aug. 2013: 20 years of typhoons
- Cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons
- Hurricanes
- Jun. 2004: Nida: altimetric view of a typhoon
- Jun. 30, 2008: Typhoon Nargis
- Man-Yi 2007
- May 2021: Typhoon Surigae in the eyes of radars
- Nida 2004
- Nov. 2013: Typhoon Haiyan seen by Saral
- Oct. 2016: A typhoon seen by satellites
tectonic plates
terrestrial stations
thermal expansion
thermohaline circulation
tidal currents
tide gauge
tide gauges
time serie
tracking mode
trade winds
tropical cyclone
- Dec. 15, 2005: About Eddy Kinetic Energy (1/2)
- Jan. 22, 2008: La Niña, westerly current
- Jan. 23, 2007: The Equator against the current
- Jul. 17, 2009, Prelude to El Niño
- Jul. 21, 2008: Steer due East around Antarctica
- July 28, 2003: North Atlantic eddies
- Oct. 21, 2008: An unusually strong Indian monsoon
- Sep. 18, 2008: Eddies in the Gulf of Alaska
- DORIS system
- Dec. 8, 2003: Change of units
- Archives
- Eddy Trajectory Atlas
- PISTACH Coastal & Hydrology products: updates and reprocessing
- Ssalto/Duacs product changes and updates
- Eddy Trajectory Atlas
- PISTACH Coastal & Hydrology products: updates and reprocessing
- Jan. 29, 2010: Seasonal reverse in the Somali current
- Oct. 2011: Crustaceans off Chile
- Aviso+ user handbooks
- February 17, 2009: On the sources of Agulhas Current
- Jan. 29, 2010: Seasonal reverse in the Somali current
- Jul. 22, 2010: Surface circulation in the Eastern Mediterranean
- June 18, 2009, Meddies in Atlantic Ocean
- Nov. 23, 2009: Meeting the Mindanao and the Kuroshio currents
ultrastable oscillator
User manual
- Dec. 15, 2005: About Eddy Kinetic Energy (1/2)
- Jan. 23, 2007: The Equator against the current
- Jul. 21, 2008: Steer due East around Antarctica
- July 28, 2003: North Atlantic eddies
- FSLE (Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents)
- Feb. 2011: "Lively currents" plus ten years
- Jun. 2000: Lively currents
- May 09, 2007: About ocean variability
- Nov. 2007: The ocean is going up and down around the Solomon Islands
- Nov. 2011: the ocean is (in part) its own source of variability
- Seasons
- Seasons in the Mediterranean Sea
- Seasons in the North Atlantic
- Sep. 22, 2006: Atlantic Ocean with steric effects
- Apr. 16, 2010: Ocean circulation in the Solomon Sea
- Feb. 15, 2005: Waves in statistics
- Jan. 15, 2004: Round the Earth with a current
- June 10, 2010: Gulf Stream variability
- June 17, 2005: Kuroshio and Gulf Stream
- Mar. 20, 2009: Variability of Mediterranean Sea
- May 09, 2007: About ocean variability
- May 23, 2005: Looks on indian monsoon
- Oct. 6, 2003: Variance
- Regional trends
- Seasonal variations
- May 2013: Drifting buoy
- Nov. 20, 2008: Fierce gale for the Vendée Globe fleet
- Sail races
- Mar. 2025: Computing vertical mixing from Swot sea surface heights
- Ocean odyssey
- Operational oceanography
- Pollutants
- Video with First Swot images
- Mean Sea Level
- Monitoring coasts
- Feb. 2022: The tsunami detected by altimeters after the Tonga eruption
Vendée Globe
vertical mixing
- Jun. 2018: As the flood flows
- Feb. 2001: Where does all the waste go?
- Oct. 2001: The Amazon under close surveillance
- Apr. 2001: Tracking hurricanes
- Atlantic storm
- Aug. 18, 2009: Severe typhoon Morakot in the western Pacific
- Aug. 2012: Screencast new LAS
- Feb. 15, 2005: Waves in statistics
- Feb. 15, 2008: Variable winds in Atlantic Ocean
- Feb. 1999: Route du Rhum 1998
- Jan. 2017: Wave model with ice
- Jun. 30, 2008: Typhoon Nargis
- June 2011: Extreme wave heights
- Mar. 2020: CFOSat
- May 15, 2004: Comparing winds and waves
- May 2001: North Atlantic Oscillation makes waves
- Meteo and rogue waves
- Oct. 14, 2005: Wind and waves
- Oct. 2, 2007: Hurricane Dean trajectory
- Oct. 2016: A typhoon seen by satellites
- Oct. 2020: Assessing storm impacts on the Mediterranean coasts
- Seasonal variations
- Sep. 2003: Scaling the waves
- Southern Swell in the Indian Ocean
- Storms and high waves
- Nov. 2013: Typhoon Haiyan seen by Saral
- Apr. 2001: Tracking hurricanes
- Apr. 2005: Series of hurricanes
- Jan. 2017: Wave model with ice
- Assimilation in wave models
- Apr. 2006: Beacons in the waveforms
- Dec. 2010: An island "seen" by altimeter
- Jul. 2011: Altimetry peaks at sea ice
- Nov. 2008: Counting icebergs
- Pulses and waveforms
- Sep. 2013: Icebergs on the move
- Apr. 2012: Phenomenal seas
- Aug. 2017: Waves & currents
- Aug. 2018: Waves steepen in accelerating currents
- Jul. 2019: Increasing wave power
- Jul. 2021: Surface Measurements for Oceanographic Satellites: the SUMOS in-situ and airborne campaign
- May 2021: Typhoon Surigae in the eyes of radars
- Nov. 2022: Southern swell in wave spectra
- Nov. 2023: Altimetry helps in coastal flood risk warnings
- Oct. 2018: A new satellite to measure winds and waves
- Oct. 2024: Swot & swell
- Dec. 2008: Monsoons in the altimetry corrections
- Altimetry in Mesopotamia
- Dec. 2011: Missing: water
- Feb. 2008: Altimetry in Mesopotamia
- Higher resolution knowledge of flooded areas over the whole Earth
- Jul. 2013: Ob bogs and wetlands
- Jul. 2017: Higher resolution knowledge of flooded areas over the whole Earth
- Missing: water
- Nov. 2020: Altimeters see Pantanal waters at their lowest
- Ob bogs and wetlands
- April 2019: Pantanal wetlands
- Use of altimetry water level time series by MSF to help displaced communities in South Sudan
- Wetlands
- Humpback whales
- Altimetry
- Apr. 2001: Tracking hurricanes
- Apr. 2012: Phenomenal seas
- Atlantic storm
- Aug. 18, 2009: Severe typhoon Morakot in the western Pacific
- Aug. 28, 2006: A breath of air in Arabian Sea
- Feb. 15, 2008: Variable winds in Atlantic Ocean
- Feb. 1999: Route du Rhum 1998
- Feb. 26, 2007: Wind fields changes in latitude and in time
- Jul. 2021: Surface Measurements for Oceanographic Satellites: the SUMOS in-situ and airborne campaign
- Jun. 30, 2008: Typhoon Nargis
- May 15, 2004: Comparing winds and waves
- May 2021: Typhoon Surigae in the eyes of radars
- May 23, 2005: Looks on indian monsoon
- May 24, 2006: In Indian Ocean
- Nov. 20, 2008: Fierce gale for the Vendée Globe fleet
- Nov. 2002: El Niño under close scrutinies
- Oct. 14, 2005: Wind and waves
- Oct. 2, 2007: Hurricane Dean trajectory
- Oct. 2016: A typhoon seen by satellites
- Oct. 2018: A new satellite to measure winds and waves
- Oct. 21, 2008: An unusually strong Indian monsoon
- Seasonal variations
- Dec. 2012: Winds and currents around India
- June 2021: Swot and the lakes' winds
- 2013 Saral NRT Verification Workshop
- 2014 SARAL Science and Applications Meeting
water level
wave height
wave model
wave models
wet tropospheric correction
Why satellite altimetry
- Jun. 2015: Current intruding on the continental shelf
- Processing X-TRACK
- References
- Specific processing
- X-TRACK Coastal products updates and reprocessing
- X-TRACK Dynamic Atmospheric Correction
- X-TRACK Tidal corrections
- X-TRACK-L2P SLA version 2022
- Jul. 22, 2010: Surface circulation in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Mar. 26, 2010: Eddy activity in South China Sea
- Nov. 30, 2010: Benguela current, an Atlantic Niño ?