Mean rise in sea level is only part of the story
The rise in the level of the oceans is far from uniform. In fact, while in certain ocean regions the sea level has indeed risen (by up to 20 millimetres a year in places), in others it has fallen an equivalent amount. These regional differences, observed by Topex/Poseidon since 1993, mostly reflect sea level fluctuations over several years., estimates of the rise in sea level-now running at 2.5 millimetres a year-have gained in accuracy.
El Niño is behind rise in sea level
The meteorological effects of El Niño 1997-1998 were felt worldwide, but it also contributed to variations in mean sea level. Indeed, sea level anomalies measured by Topex/Poseidon were over 20 centimeters in the equatorial Pacific when the phenomenon was at its height (and as much as 30 centimeters off the coast of Peru). These anomalies obviously had an effect on the global mean of sea levels.
The sea level in the Eastern Mediterranean basin has risen significantly in recent years, apparently due to warmer water temperatures (observed by in-situ measurements). But if we look at the Ionian Sea off the tip of Italy, data acquired by Topex/Poseidon show that sea level in fact fell.