El Niño conditions to come

Lively Data : November 23, 2006

We mentioned the possibility of La Niña conditions last February (cf La Niña in sight). Current conditions appear to be suitable for an El Niño event: this is an occasion to make some comparison using the Live Access Server.


To use LAS comparison function, click on "compare two", and take the same data as variables (e.g. here "Maps of Sea level anomalies - Merged in low resolution"). Then, choose two dates, here October 9 and February, 1, 2006. Three comparison functions are available as outputs: difference ("comparison plot", 1st data minus 2nd data), overlay (mostly useful to compare two different datasets on a same period), and visual comparison (adjacent plot). You can set the color scale to (-40,40,2), and contour levels to (-40,40,10).

It is interesting to notice the green tongue underlined by the zero-line, that remind us the typical signature of El Niño. In this way it is possible to see the preponderance of each signal; differences between February, 1st and October 9th reach 25 cm in the western boundary and 28 cm towards 120°W. In this area, the sea level is increasing, when it is decreasing in the blue shaded area.

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