Altimetry and Doris applications in videos


  • Jason-3 videos (2015)

    "Altimetry applications in videos" produced by Cnes on the occasion of the Jason-3 launch, traces the many fields where this technique is involved: the rising mean sea level, operational oceanography, the water cycle, marine wildlife, monitoring coasts.


Doris, the space surveyor

Serie of videos produced by Cnes for IDS. Videos for DORIS constellation 2016 (Cryosat-2, HY-2A, Jason-2, Jason-3, Sentinel-3A, SARAL) and videos to understand the attitude laws and solar panel orientation and rotation of the DORIS-equipped satellites. All of this material, as well as the link to the VTS website, is available on the IDS webpageYou can also watch the videos on the brand IDS video channel

In 2010, at the the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Doris system, videos to learn more about the technics: how does Doris measure to the closest centimetre, about the network of stations and about the applications ranging from operational oceanography modelling to climate studies.

  • 2010, Doris, the space surveyor (.mpeg, 5'13'') How does Doris work : illustration of the principle of the Doppler effect. Main applications in geodesy, geophysics, or ocean levels.
  • 2010, Doris, autonomous navigation (.mpeg, 1'24'') Precision of the Doris system,  real-time on-board orbit determination Diode.
  • 2010, Doris, network of stations (2'01'') view on the network of the 60 stations spread across the globe. Control, maintenance of this network.

DORIS constellation 2016 (Cryosat-2, HY-2A, Jason-2, Jason-3, Sentinel-3A, SARAL). Credits CNES