Latest News

24.05.2013 Saral: first maps of Sea Level Anomalies

In orbit since a few months, Saral show very good results; a good news to integrate Saral mission into the Duacs multi-mission in the coming weeks.[more]

22.05.2013 6-19 May 2013 week

Réchauffement climatique : conséquences des fontes des glaces sur les océans (Développement durable, 2013/05/15) Tara - Départ de l'expédition Tara Oceans Polar Circle le 19 mai 2013 (Voiles news, 2013/05/14) Le...[more]

13.05.2013 Saral/AltiKa provides the first promising results over Antarctica ice sheet

For the first time since Saral is in flight: maps of baskcatter and topography are plotted over the Antarctica ice sheet.[more]

06.05.2013 Temporary interruption of Aviso FTP data access service on 2013/05/14

Aviso FTP data access services will be momentarily unavailable due to maintenance on Tuesday May 14th, 2013 between 8:00 and 9:00 am UTC We apologize for the inconvenience[more]

06.05.2013 29 April - 5 May 2013 week

Fonte des glaces : les chiffres record de 2012 alarment l'ONU (Maxisciences, 2013/05/03) Climat. Fonte record des glaces de l’Arctique en 2012 (Ouest France, 2013/05/02) L'expédition Tara-Océan reprend la mer vers l'Arctique...[more]

03.05.2013 May 2013: Drifting buoy

The Acciona sailing boat capsized on February 3 at the end of last Vendée Globe alone-the-world sailing race. One of the onboard Argos beacons got loose and switched on. It has been followed ever since by the Argonautica...

30.04.2013 22-28 April 2013 week

Un nouveau portail pour suivre l'évolution quotidienne de la banquise (bulletins électroniques, 2013/04/28) Les données météo satellitaires et historiques au service de l'étude du climat (Euronews, 2013/04/25) L'expédition...[more]

Displaying results 645 to 651 out of 1259