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03.10.2008 Typhoon Jangmi as seen by Jason-2

While well above-average activity has occurred so far during the 2008 hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean, several typhoons have succeeded in the Western Pacific. After typhoon Sinlaku earlier on September, the typhoon...[more]

01.10.2008 22-27 September, 2008 week

Un plateau spatial à Aspretto surveille le satellite Jason (Corse-matin, 2008/09/26) L'âge de glace, le film scientifique (Science et vie, 2008/09/25) Et si les eaux montaient de 2 mètres… (Le Monde, 2008/09/23) La fonte de...[more]

25.09.2008 GFO unavailable over the past few days


The satellite has been shutdown in response to the onboard problem of overheating reaction wheels as the satellite goes into a period of full sun. If everything goes well, GFO may be turned on in early November. However, even...[more]

24.09.2008 15-20 September 2008, week

Grosses incertitudes sur le niveau de la hausse des océans (Notre-Planète info, 2008/09/18) Un programme européen veut rendre accessibles à tous les données observées par les satellites (Le Monde, 2008/09/18) La banquise...[more]

18.09.2008 Eddies in the Gulf of Alaska

The Gulf of Alaska is an identifying location of mesoscale eddies, all predominantly anticyclonic. Some of their characteristics, or their seasonal and interannual activity can be approached with the LAS.

18.09.2008 8-13 September, 2008 week

Hurricane Ike tracked by ESA's Envisat (ESA, 2008/09/11) Les routes de l'Arctique sont ouvertes (Science Presse, 2008/09/09) Pendant les débats scientifiques, la banquise se disloque (Science et vie, 2008/09/05) Global...[more]

15.09.2008 Ssalto/Duacs products updated

After the problem detected on Jason-1 the 2008/08/07, the Duacs data were reprocessed all over the period.[more]

Displaying results 1142 to 1148 out of 1259