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05.03.2024 An article published on the first results of the Swot mission

It is the first peer-reviewed article with glimpses on Swot early results,[more]

01.03.2024 March 2024: Sea ice observed by Swot

In color, topography measured by KaRIn (250m resolution, blue: lower heights, red: higher heights), overlaid on data from Sentinel-1A's classical SAR imager (one day difference between the two measurements) (Credit Cnes/CLS/JPL)

Swot observes ice leads and the SSH in them, thus enabling to retrieve sea ice freeboard

29.02.2024 SWOT: Public release of the L2 NADIR GDR (NALT) and AMR products

The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) project is pleased to announce the public release of the Level 2 Geophysical Data Record (GDR) products from the onboard nadir altimeter (NALT) and advanced microwave radiometer (AMR).[more]

12.02.2024 Swot monitors its first El Niño

Swot sea level anomalies (level 3 products) for cycle 6 (November 2023), without interpolation.  The consistency of the observations means that the data can be plotted as they are. (Credit: Cnes/CLS/JPL, image Aviso)

The current El Niño event is the first to be "seen" by SWOT over the period of its maximum development.

09.02.2024 New Sargassum Floating Algae Index datasets available

Three datasets are added to the catalogue: 1/daily operational hr Sargassum Floating Algae Index using Sentinel-2A&B and Landsat-8&9 satellites, 2-3/daily operational hr and lr Sargassum Floating Algae Index using Sentinel-3A&B...[more]

06.02.2024 Currents in 2 dimensions

Gulf Stream geostrophic velocities as derived from KaRIn SSHA (L3 data, no interpolation) (Credit Cnes/CLS/JPL)

Swot provides natively its measurements in two dimensions along its two swaths, so that geostrophic currents can be directly derived from them.

01.02.2024 February 2024: a turtle in the English Channel's tidal currents

Marine animals such as sea turtles are subject to currents, tidal ones included. Their knowledge can help in protecting those endangered species.

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