Latest News

29.03.2013 SARAL : Level2 IGDRs products generated on CNES side

CNES has started to generate the level2 SARAL IGDRs products - this is another important milestone in the ongoing SARAL commissioning activities[more]

26.03.2013 17-23 March 2013 week

Océanographie spatiale : le satellite altimétrique SARAL/AltiKa a été mis en orbite avec succès le 25 février 2013 (INSU, 2013/03/18)Le réchauffement climatique augmente le nombre d'ouragans dévastateurs (RTBF, 2013/03/19)NASA...[more]

20.03.2013 SARAL : Level2 OGDRs products generated by Eumetsat and ISRO

Eumetsat and ISRO have generated the level2 OGDRs products - this is a new milestone in the ongoing SARAL commissioning activities. [more]

20.03.2013 11-17 March 2013 week

Changement climatique : saisons arctiques touchées (Métro, 2013/03/10) Changement climatique et corail: des projections inquiétantes (Techno-science, 2013/03/09) Les glaciers du Canada semblent se diriger vers une fonte...[more]

14.03.2013 SARAL: final orbit reached on March 13

After the last maneuver (March 13, 00:03 UTC) the final orbit has been reached.[more]

11.03.2013 3-10 March, 2013 week

Canadian glaciers face « big losses », 2013/03/07)D'ici 2050, la fonte des glaces pourrait ouvrir de nouvelles routes en Arctique (Maxisciences, 2013/03/06)Les micro-organismes, maîtres des océans (Le Figaro, 2013/03/06)Sur...[more]

06.03.2013 March 2013: Saral: 6 days old, and already measuring

The Saral satellite was launched on February 25, 2013. A little more than one week after its launch, the data looks very promising. Next is the continuation of measurement analysis, validation of ground processing software and...

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