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18.05.2009 Call for nominations to the scientific award "Christian Le Provost, océanographe"

Nominations are invited for the first scientific award "Christian Le Provost, océanographe". This award is given to a young researcher for its significant achievements in fields of research in ocean dynamic: climate,...[more]

15.05.2009 April 2009: Flood in the Zambezi basin

Water levels in major rivers of the Zambezi basin are examined using altimetry data from the Jason-2 satellite, showing severe floods during the beginning of 2009.

15.05.2009 The DEM was successfully uploaded on OSTM/Jason-2

The DEM upload was finished the 13th of May around 13:15 UTC, and the altimeter Poseidon-3 was successfully restarted. The system will experience no more data loss due to this uploading, and the DEM assessment is currently...[more]

14.05.2009 Exceptional flood on the Amazon river

After months of heavy rains, the Amazon river sustains large floods. Satellite altimetry can make a major contribution for monitoring fluctuations in continental waters.[more]

13.05.2009 4-9 May, 2009 week

Le changement climatique menace l'écosystème du Lac Baïkal ? (Naturavox, 2009/05/07) Des bouées dans l'Océan indien aideront à mieux comprendre et prévoir le climat (Actualités News Environnement, 2009/05/06) On line...[more]

11.05.2009 Interruption of OSTM/Jason-2 altimetry data

An improved digital elevation model (DEM) will be uploaded to the Jason-2/OSTM satellite starting on Monday, May 11, 2009 at 12:00 UTC and will continue through Wednesday May 13, 2009, 15:00 UTC. While the DEM is...[more]

06.05.2009 April 27 - May 2, 2009 week

La fonte des glaces, signal d'alarme pour le climat, dit Al Gore (Yahoo, 2009/04/28) Satellite imagery shows fragile Wilkins Ice Shelf destabilised (ESA, 2008/04/28) Si les glaces glissent vers l'océan (Libération,...[more]

Displaying results 1072 to 1078 out of 1259