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20.11.2014 Announcement for CFOSAT open scientific Workshop

This is the announcement for the CFOSAT open science meeting, which will take place in Guangzhou (China) on February 3rd to 5th 2015.[more]

29.10.2014 New Mean Dynamic Topography and change in data policy

A new version of the Combined Mean Dynamic Topography is delivered to users. The access to this new MDT_CNES-CLS-13 is subject to a new data policy as stated in the new licence agreement.[more]

23.10.2014 13-20 october 2014 week

Pérou : vers une meilleure prévision des ressources en poissons (IRD, 2014/10)El Niño Ups Flood Risk (Scientific American News, 2014/10/20) Pérou : La fonte des glaciers est à l’origine de l’apparition de 1000 nouveaux lacs...[more]

02.10.2014 22-30 September 2014 week

Une meilleure évaluation des lacs à la surface de de la Terre (Insu, 2014/09/30)Shrinking Aral Sea (Earth Observatory)Réchauffement climatique : la fonte des glaces modifie la gravité terrestre (Vousnousils, 2014/09/30)Le...[more]

01.10.2014 October 2014: Better Mediterranean circulation

Mediterranean circulation needs a high-resolution. With a new processing, oceanic features are clearly seen.

11.09.2014 1-7 September 2014 week

Réchauffement, canicules, sécheresses, le climat en France va continuer à changer (Le Monde, 2014/09/08)Les bizarres créatures de l’océan Austral (Sciences et avenir, 2014/09/05) On line availability of articles depends on the...[more]

14.08.2014 August 2014: The Agulhas current leaks

The evolution of the Agulhas leakage, and thus of the water exchanges between Indian and Atlantic Ocean has been computed thanks to twenty years of altimetry data

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