Latest News

19.02.2021 Flood and high waters over the Garonne river basin, cont'd, preliminary measurements from Sentinel-6

Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, cycles 6 (2021/01/08), 7 (2021/01/18) and 8 (2021/01/28), track 70,

Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich is but newly launched, and still ongoing calibration. However, looking at extreme events is always interesting, especially when close-by[more]

17.02.2021 Release of the Antarctic Altimetry Sea Ice product in version 2

The release of the Altimetry Sea Ice products in version 2 from CTOH/LEGOS over Antarctic now available on AVISO+.[more]

16.02.2021 [CLOSED] AVISO+ User Satisfaction Survey 2021

We invite you to complete the AVISO+ User Satisfaction Survey, for the year 2021. The results will be shared with the space agencies and will be detailed in the AVISO+ Users newsletter.[more]

11.02.2021 Flood and high waters over the Garonne river basin

Satellites show high waters and floods over the Garonne river and its tributaries late January - beginning of February 2021[more]

05.02.2021 February 2021: Altimetry helps to monitor the Congo basin

Altimetry water levels with in situ and other satellite data helps in estimating discharge over the River Congo basin

01.02.2021 CFOSAT SWIM data reprocessing in version 5 COMPLETED

We are pleased to announce that the reprocessing of SWIM data in version 5 is now completed, all data from 25 April 2019 to the current date are now available in the V5.1.2 version.[more]

13.01.2021 New on AVISO+: Simulated products - Ocean Data Challenge

The 2020A_SSH_MAPPING_NATL60 products are model-based SSH products designed to carry out Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) for investigating, for example, the performance of mapping algorithms with recent and future...

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