Latest News

03.06.2009 25-30 May, 2009

NYC, Boston Could See Higher Sea Level Rise (Live Science, 2009/05/27) GOCE achieves drag-free perfection (ESA, 2009/05/26) South Pole Sea Ice at 2008 Maximum and 2009 Minimum (Earthobservatory, 2009/05/23) ESA map reveals...[more]

02.06.2009 June 2009: A corridor of eddies

More than 16 years of altimetry data enable to discover new permanent features in the ocean dynamics, such as a corridor South of Canaries Islands where eddies propagate. Those are confirmed by in-situ measurements.

27.05.2009 18-23 May, 2009 week

"L'urgence est à redéfinir une politique maritime et j'ai le sentiment qu'un consensus est à notre portée" (Le Monde, 2009/05/23) Les Maldives pourraient être encore là d'ici la fin du siècle, selon des chercheurs (Le...[more]

25.05.2009 New IP address on Aviso FTP server from May 28, 2009

Within the framework of an evolution of our FTP server, we are changing our IP address on Aviso FTP site on May 28th, 2009 around 13:00 GMT. From this date on, data will be delivered on a new IP address: ....[more]

20.05.2009 Current negociation in France about the sea: don't forget Operational Oceanography

A text by the Club des Argonautes (in French)

20.05.2009 Drawing formal mapping error maps

A comparison on maps of merged SLA before/after the Jason-2 integration shows a formal error decreasing with the Jason-2 contribution.

20.05.2009 11-16 May, 2009 week

Réchauffement la hausse du niveau de la mer serait moins forte que prévu, selon une étude (Le Nouvel Observateur, 2009/05/15) Loss of Ice from Wilkins Ice Shelf, Antarctica (Eosnap, 2009/05/13) Heavy Rain Floods Brazil...[more]

Displaying results 1065 to 1071 out of 1259