Latest News

04.05.2020 May 2020: Lake Chad might be recovering

Altimetry-derived water levels over lake Chad show a general stability of its two basins for the past 20 years, after the dramatic decrease of the 70s & 80s

30.04.2020 Release of CFOSAT SWIM L2P SWH 1Hz Nadir product

A new Wave product from SWIM/CFOSAT instrument, along-track and of level 2 plus (L2P) is available on AVISO+. [more]

28.04.2020 GPD+ Wet tropospheric correction disseminated by AVISO+

The GPD+ wet tropospheric correction, provided by the University of Porto, and present in the CTOH catalogue is now disseminated by AVISO+ with a temporal extension of Cryosat-2/Jason-2/Jason-3/Saral missions.[more]

10.04.2020 CryoSat still cool at 10

April 8th 2020 marks 10 years since a Dnepr rocket blasted off from an underground silo in the remote desert steppe of Kazakhstan, launching one of ESA’s most remarkable Earth-observing satellites into orbit[more]

06.04.2020 Release of the Altimetry Sea Ice product in version 2 from CTOH/LEGOS

The release of the Altimetry Sea Ice products in version 2 from CTOH/LEGOS includes Sea Ice Thickness, Snow Depth, Sea Ice Freeboard and associated parameters for Cryosat-2 and Envisat missions over Arctic and soon over...[more]

01.04.2020 April 2020: Arcachon Bay between tides

Swot will enable to retrieve both waterlines and their elevation over intertidal areas, ecologically sensitives and ever-changing zones.

27.03.2020 CNES message

In the current situation, like in nearly all space agencies over the world, CNES has taken action in order to secure all critical activities, and ensure the safety of all its agents at the same time.[more]

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