Latest News

29.09.2020 Virtual OSTST meeting (19-23 October 2020)

The 2020 OSTST meeting is being held this year as a virtual meeting and maintained on the same week (Oct. 19-23) as originally scheduled. We are pleased to announce that the abstract submission is now open until October 16th...

23.09.2020 HaiYang-2B: now six altimeters to monitor the ocean in Near-Real-Time

Thanks to the good quality of the HaiYang-2B measurements, the integration of the mission in the operational system DUACS has been made on July 7th 2020 bringing to 6 the number of altimeter missions processed in Near-Real-Time...[more]

09.09.2020 September 2020: Swot before Swot

Swot will be the first of its kind. To help in developping all the necessary tools and algorithms, teams are generating proxy data for hydrology in particular

01.09.2020 Hurricane Laura seen by Altimeters

The altimeters have measured high values of Significant Wave Height and Wind Speed when flying over Laura Hurricane on August 25 and 26.

31.07.2020 August 2020: Tides off the Amazon River mouth

Altimetry brought a better knowledge of tides all around the world. Even now, they are used in various contexts, including to better understand some general ocean circulation phenomena.

27.05.2020 Survey on visualization tools

OceanDataLab launches a survey to improve its visualization tools.[more]

05.05.2020 OSTST CNES/EUMETSAT Joint Research Announcement 2020

CNES/EUMETSAT Joint Research Announcement (JRA) for the renewal of the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team[more]

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