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06.08.2008 August 2008: Separating planetary waves from eddies

Planetary waves and eddies are features that can be observed in altimetry sea level anomaly maps. Separating them should enable to better understand both.

06.08.2008 July 28 - August 02, 2008 week

Toulouse prend le pouls de Jason-2 (CNES, 2008/07/31) Pemières images de Jason-2 (Libération, 2008/07/31) Jason-2 begins mapping oceans (Eumetsat, 2008/07/30) ESA meets increasing demand for Earth observation data (ESA,...[more]

01.08.2008 Cnes/Eumetsat/Nasa/Noaa OSTM/Jason-2 press release

On July 30, the four partners on OSTM/Jason-2 issued a press release celebrating the first 10 days of measurements from Jason-2.[more]

01.08.2008 21-26 July, 2008 week

El Niño, La Niña et le climat en 2008…et les argonautes de Jason (Liberation, 2008/07) L'explosion de la biodiversité marine expliquée par un changement climatique global (INSU, 2008/07/25) On line availability of articles...[more]

30.07.2008 First "cycle" for Jason-2

Placed on its working orbit on July, 4th, Jason-2 has completed on July, 14th its first full 10 days (repeat cycle). Results continues to show very good agreement with Jason-1.[more]

25.07.2008 Altimetry applications in videos: Seasonal forecasting

Seasonal forecast by ECMWF

By integrating oceanographic and meteorological data in models, it is possible to describe major seasonal trends several months in advance.[more]

24.07.2008 Altimetry applications in videos: Waves forecasting

By integrating satellites and in situ measurements in meteorological models, we can determine and forecast the sea state as well as the wave height at a global scale.[more]

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