Latest News

03.08.2010 Flooding in the Yangtse basin (China)

Altimetry can enable to monitor river levels. Current flooding over the Yangtse basin can be seen in the hydrology-dedicated data.[more]

30.07.2010 New reprocessed delayed-time data: Better outlined eddies in the Black Sea

As the global ocean product, the regional product over the Black Sea takes advantage of the reprocessing. Permanent and semi-permanent well known eddies are better outlined in the new Duacs DT version.

28.07.2010 19-24 July, 2010 week

Les eaux troubles du glacier des Bossons (France-soir, 2010/07/24) Privé de glace, le puits de carbone de l'océan Arctique saturera-t-il ? (Techno-science, 2010/07/24) Des marmottes qui tirent profit du réchauffement climatique...[more]

27.07.2010 New reprocessed delayed-time data: Improved editing processing

One of the impacts of the Duacs-DT reprocessing (v3.00) is given by reducing the anomalous structures.

22.07.2010 Surface circulation in the Eastern Mediterranean

Currents and eddies are numerous in the Levantine basin. They shift along the islands or disappear according the seasons.

21.07.2010 12-17 July, 2010 week

Google Earth publie une carte sur l'impact du changement climatique (Maxisciences, 2010/07/17) Comment les glaciers influencent-ils le climat ? (Le Monde, 2010/07/10) De nouvelles créatures étranges découvertes dans les...[more]

20.07.2010 [Jason-1] End of Life Plan

Jason-1 mission is starting today a series of maneuvers. Some impacts on products in terms of quality and latency are expected.[more]

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