Latest News
26.08.2010 Upgrade and modifications on the Opendap and Extraction Tool
Aviso Opendap and extraction tool will undergo a major change on Monday August 30 morning (European time). The Delayed-time data will be upgraded, and subscription will be necessary to access the data from then on.[more]
12.08.2010 New reprocessed delayed-time data: Improved circulation in Mediterranean Sea
Focus on one example where one of the Alboran eddy is visibler with the new products.
12.08.2010 2-7 August, 2010 week
Un bloc de glace géant se détache d'un glacier du Groenland (Le Monde, 2010/08/07) Greenland glacier gives birth to giant iceberg (ESA, 2010/08/09) Atlantique nord: 9 ouragans, dont 5 majeurs, d'ici à la fin de la saison...[more]
11.08.2010 High floods in Pakistan and India
Altimetry can enable to monitor river levels. Current flooding over the Pakistan and India can be seen with the hydrology-dedicated data.[more]
06.08.2010 La Niña's back
Taking over after its elder brother, El Niño, La Niña seems to be back in the Pacific. [more]
06.08.2010 August 2010: Altimetry helps search for a wreck
Altimetry and operational oceanography models can help nowadays rescues at sea. They can also be used to estimate past ship wreck locations.
05.08.2010 26-31 July, 2010 week
Le déclin du phytoplancton met en péril la chaîne alimentaire (Le Monde, 2010/08/30) Tara-Océans: fin de la 1ère année d'expédition, révision des 50.000 au Cap (AFP, 2010/07/27) Les lacs ne joueront plus leur rôle (Sciences et...[more]