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10.06.2013 June 2013: Is the ground rising or the sea decreasing?

Tide gauges are used to monitor sea level. However, they are anchored on lands, and thus monitor as much the land vertical motions than the sea's. When tide gauges and Doris stations are close by, combining their measurements...

05.06.2013 Strong swell in French Polynesia on June 2013

A strong swell have been observed in French Polynesia causing some damages. Altimetry data and sea state forecasts models have measured these high waves.[more]

05.06.2013 Saral also provides promising results over the Amazon river

The analysis of the Saral products over inland water is ongoing and already shows very good agreement when compared with in situ water level records. Here, an example over the Amazon river.[more]

04.06.2013 27 May - 2 June 2013 week

Éléphants de mer océanographes : 10 ans de succès (CNES, 2013/05/31)'Le réchauffement climatique pour 2100 ne sera pas de 6°C, mais d'un peu plus de 2°C' (, 2013/05/31)La fonte de la banquise est-elle responsable de ce...[more]

31.05.2013 Temporary interruption of LAS server

Due to a technical problem, the LAS is unavailable since 2013/05/31[more]

28.05.2013 Aviso Users Newsletter #9

Publication of the ninth Aviso Users Newsletter.[more]

28.05.2013 20 - 26 May 2013 week

Active or 'Extremely Active' Atlantic Hurricane Season Predicted for 2013 (Science Daily, 2013/05/24)Tara est parti pour une expédition sans précédent autour de l'Arctique (Sciences et avenir, 2013/05/20)30% de la montée du...[more]

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