Latest News

06.12.2017 December 2017: Sea Level Rise impacts on Miami

Miami is very close to the sea, and at a very low altitude, so any above-normal sea level anomaly is threatening part of the city of flooding. Tide gauges, Doris and altimetry can combine to monitor and help mitigate impacts.

30.11.2017 20-26 November 2017 week

Grande barrière: des chercheurs réussissent à transplanter du corail (La, 2017/11/25) Environnement : un océan de déchets (France TV Info, 2017/11/25) 200 ours polaires amassés sur une île arctique russe à cause du...[more]

23.11.2017 13-19 November, 2017 week

La NASA sait l’eau de quel glacier inondera votre ville en cas de réchauffement climatique (Sputnik, 2017/11/17) Un futur satellite pour mesurer les courants marins et les vagues ? (INSU, 2017/11/16) La pollution au plastique...[more]

17.11.2017 November 2017: tracking water bodies

Jason-3 altimeter has a Digital Elevation Model tracking mode designed to overcome side reflections from steep-banked rivers[more]

17.11.2017 [Sentinel-3A] New version of Non-Time-Critical Sentinel-3A L2P products

We are pleased to inform you that the new version 02_00 of Sentinel-3A L2P products in Non-Time-Critical delay (NTC) are now available for Sentinel-3A.[more]

16.11.2017 5-12 November 2017 week

Le cri d’alarme de quinze mille scientifiques sur l’état de la planète (Le Monde, 2017/11/13) COP23 : comment les pays s’engagent-ils pour l’océan et le climat ? (Le Monde, 2017/11/12) Africa’s Great Lake Hanging in the Balance...[more]

15.11.2017 Water Action Day at COP23 : Niger Basin Authority (NBA) collects & disseminates satellite data

Niger Basin Authority (NBA) is now disseminating satellite data over the basin, where security reasons made it hard to maintain in situ networks[more]

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