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21.06.2012 11-17 June 2012 week

Study Finds Ancient Warming Greened Antarctica (JPL, 2012/06/17) World of Change: Columbia Glacier, Alaska (Earthobservatory, 2012/05/16) ESA agrees to press ahead with 2013 Sentinel launch (Spacenews, 2012/06/14) On line...[more]

18.06.2012 June 2012: Release of annual validation reports

Those documents present the synthesis concerning the validation activities of the GDRs, and also the comparisons of two kinds of in-situ measurements with Sea Surface Height altimetry.[more]

14.06.2012 4-10 June 2012 week

Oceanic Circulation: Heat Loss Strengthens the Gyre Circulation (Science Daily, 2012/06/08) Les glaciers côtiers de l'Antarctique plus minces (libération, 2012/06/07) Les conséquences de la fonte des calottes glaciaires sur le...[more]

06.06.2012 May 28 - June 3, 2012 week

La fonte de la banquise arctique induirait des hivers plus secs et plus froids au Royaume-Uni (bulletins électroniques, 2012/05/30) Réchauffement climatique : tablez plutôt sur 1,4 à 3 °C d'ici 2050 ! (bulletins...[more]

05.06.2012 Record flood in the Amazon basin

After months of intense rains, the Amazon basin sustains record floods. Satellite altimetry can make a major contribution for monitoring fluctuations in continental waters. [more]

04.06.2012 Call for contributions

Call for contributions for the exhibition "20 years of Art-imetry and Models" at the next OSTST meeting[more]

01.06.2012 June 2012: Antarctica thinning seen by Envisat

Antarctica glaciers are flowing and reacting differently depending on the regions. In West Antarctica, glaciers are thinning, losing up to several meters a year, and this thinning is accelerating. In East Antarctica, some...

Displaying results 743 to 749 out of 1259