Latest News

21.07.2016 Important milestone for SWOT

Great news, the SWOT mission has just passed an important milestone with the authorization to proceed with SWOT Phase C/D/E1.[more]

12.07.2016 EUROPE-INBO 2016; 19 - 22 october 2016, Lourdes (France)

14th International Conference "Europe-INBO 2016" on implementation of the European Water Directives[more]

12.07.2016 Opening of the call for PhD topics and of the call for Research and technique ideas for CNES Orbital Systems

The CNES Orbital Systems Research and Technology (R&T) and PhD site opens its call for R&T ideas and call for PhD topics.[more]

07.07.2016 20 June - 3 July, 2016 week

Cinq questions sur la réduction du trou dans la couche d’ozone (Le Monde, 2016/07/01) Study Helps Explain Sea Ice Differences at Earth's Poles (Space Daily, 2016/05/24) Le projet Ocean Cleanup, pour dépolluer les océans, se...[more]

05.07.2016 July 2016: Elephant seals and macaroni penguins follow threads

A study combining bio-logging data of elephant seals and altimetry show that foraging predators concentrate their swimming effort on diving and therefore drift with the current.

30.06.2016 Aviso+ Users Newsletter #13

Publication of the thirteenth Aviso Users Newsletter[more]

29.06.2016 [Saral] A new phase with a drifting orbit

SARAL/AltiKa will leave its repetitive orbit by beginning a new phase named "Saral Drifting Phase", “SARAL-DP” from Monday 4 July. The data processing as well as data latency are unchanged.[more]

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