Latest News

06.07.2018 July 2018: Adopting a Swot crossover for biophysical studies

Swot will be a major asset to study the socean fine scales, especially relevant for marine biology. Swot crossovers will be used for in situ campaigns.

03.07.2018 25 June - 1 July 2018 week

Comment les satellites Jason ont révolutionné notre connaissance du climat (Futura Sciences, 30/06/2018) Politique américaine des océans : exit le climat (Science Presse, 29/06/2018) The Sounds of Satellites (Earth...[more]

29.06.2018 New SSALTO/DUACS Experimental products delivery

We are proud to announce the release of the new AVISO+ SSALTO/DUACS experimental products. For 20 years, the DUACS system has been producing, as part of the CNES/SALP project, and the Copernicus Marine Environment and Monitoring...

25.06.2018 11 June -24 June 2018 weeks

Losing Ice in Svalbard (Earth Observatory, 25/06/2018) Goélette scientifique Tara, journal de bord n° 2 : les défis d’une navigation scientifique « propre » (Le Monde, 24/06/2018) Marine plastic: Hundreds of fragments in dead...[more]

21.06.2018 Happy Birthday Jason-2!

On June 20th, the OSTM/Jason-2 mission marks its 10th year in orbit.[more]

14.06.2018 21 may - 10 june 2018 weeks

Widespread ocean anoxia was cause for past mass extinction (Science Daily, 21/05/2018) Des changements majeurs dans la répartition des réserves mondiales d’eau douce sont en cours (SciencePost, 21/05/2018) Researchers Hunting...[more]

01.06.2018 June 2018: As the flood flows

Satellite observations of floods may be used in early flood warning systems. SWOT is not planned as an operational mission, but a 2-day or 3-day data product could be useful in those cases.

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