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14.01.2010 4-9 January, 2010 week

Pourquoi l'hémisphère Nord subit des vagues de froid (Le Monde, 2010/01/09 Colombie: El Nino entraîne l'instauration de l'Etat d'urgence environnemental (AFP, 2010/01/08) On line availability of articles depends on the...[more]

14.01.2010 OST/ST 2010 first announcement

The annual Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OST-ST) meeting will be held this year in Lisbon, Portugal, in conjunction with the IDS workshop and a special meeting "Towards higher resolution remote sensing of ocean dynamics...[more]

14.01.2010 Announcement of Opportunity for Saral/AltiKa

Isro and Cnes are pleased to jointly announce an opportunity to carry out scientific research with Saral/AltiKa data. Download the documents to submit a proposal.[more]

12.01.2010 January 2010: Surface mirrors the deep

The sinking of waters in the depths of the oceans has an impact on sea surface height. The variations of this deep convection can thus be monitored from space by altimetry.

04.01.2010 21-31 December, 2009 weeks

Le littoral thaïlandais grignoté par les eaux (Libération, 2010/01/02) L'Arctique est souillé par une multitude de pollutions (Le Monde, 2010/01/01) Le Grand Bleu sous acide (Research, 2009/12) 2009, une des cinq années les...[more]

29.12.2009 14-19 December, 2009 week

L'océan, grand oublié de Copenhague ? (Terra eco, 2009/12/17) Réchauffement climatique : un cinquième des espèces menacé de disparaître (Développement durable, 2009/12/16) Hausse du niveau de la mer : le GIEC a-t-il été trop...[more]

29.12.2009 On the borders of the Gulf Stream

Along the northern boundary of the Gulf Stream, where the subtropical and subpolar gyres meet together, the exchanges of heat are maximum. The LAS can easily show it.

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