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05.10.2009 October 2009: Dumont d'Urville movements measured by Doris

Better knowledge of polar caps variations is important to better estimate their reactions to climate changes. Systems like Doris enable studying the sources of their variations.

28.09.2009 Jason-1: returning back to normal

Jason-1 went out of safehold mode last Friday 2009/09/25. Everything went well for the instruments when they were switched on again last Friday 2009/09/25.  The data production started.[more]

28.09.2009 21-26 September, 2009 week

L'Arctique, icône du réchauffement climatique (Le Nouvel Obs, 2009/09/28) SMOS arrives safely at Russian launch site (ESA, 2009/09/18) Les glaces du Groenland face au réchauffement : les leçons du passé (Notre Planète info,...[more]

23.09.2009 Jason-1 schedule to be switch on on Friday 25

After the safehold mode on 2009/09/15, and after investigations, Jason-1 is scheduled to be switch on on Friday 2009/09/25 (Poseidon-2 at 10:48, and JMR at 12:44 UT).Investigation showed, in particular, no problem...[more]

21.09.2009 Aviso web services will be interrupted September 26 & 27, 2009

Within the framework of an evolution of our servers, all Aviso internet services will be interrupted from Saturday September 26, 2009 at 18:00 GMT. Except for the ftp (Ssalto/Duacs products) which will be stopped from...[more]

21.09.2009 Cold waters and wet African monsoon

The LAS illustrates the negative SLA (cold waters) occuring this summer in the Gulf of Guinea, whereas a wet African monsoon started.

21.09.2009 14 - 19 September, 2009 week

Réchauffement : les hauts et les bas de la montée des océans (Le Monde, 2009/09/18) Arctic Sea Ice Reaches Minimum Extent For 2009, Third Lowest Ever Recorded (Science Daily, 2009/09/18) L'océan sous surveillance (Le...[more]

Displaying results 1030 to 1036 out of 1259