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13.12.2012 3-9 December 2012 week

Pendant la période glaciaire les icebergs descendaient jusqu'à Miami (Yahoo, 2012/12/08)"Le réchauffement climatique renforce la puissance des typhons" (Le Monde, 2012/12/05)Clearest evidence yet of polar ice losses...[more]

07.12.2012 Typhoon Bopha seen by Jason-2

High winds, flooding and landslides from heavy rains with Typhoon Bopha have caused close to 300 deaths in the southern Philippines. Jason-2 has flown over the typhoon path and has observed it.[more]

06.12.2012 November 25 - December 2, 2012 week

La fonte des calottes glaciaires a fait monter les océans de 11mm depuis 1992 (Nouvel Observatoire, 2012/11/29) La fonte des glaces mesurée précisément par une nouvelle étude scientifique  (RFI, 2012/12/01) Climat : le...[more]

03.12.2012 December 2012: Winds and currents around India

India has a climate much influenced by the ocean. The knowledge of currents is thus of foremost importance for the whole country. Using the full twenty-years time series of altimeter data enables to correlate winds and currents...

29.11.2012 18_24 November 2012 week

Hunt for Life under Antarctic Ice Heats Up (Scientific American, 2012/11/21) Un océan toxique pourrait avoir causé l'extinction du Dévonien, il y a 380 Ma (Maxisciences, 2012/11/20) On line availability of articles depends on...[more]

22.11.2012 11-18 November 2012 week

Samedi-sciences : l'Antarctique, avertisseur du changement climatique (Mediapart, 2012/11/17) Pourquoi le pôle Nord rétrécit et le pôle Sud s'agrandit ? (20 minutes, 2012/11/12) On line availability of articles depends on the...[more]

20.11.2012 November 2012: Arctic trends

Dedicated processing enable to access to sea level anomalies over the Arctic ocean (when not iced), and monitor their variations.

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