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03.10.2023 Release of MSS CNES CLS 2022

The Mean Sea Surface MSS CNES CLS 2022 is now available on AVISO+. It has been computed using a 29-year [1993-2021] period of altimetric data.

01.10.2023 October 2023: Swot scans the Southern Ocean

© Cnes / Nasa-JPL / Science team Swot / CLS

Up to now in its calval phase, Swot is starting to deliver its first scientific data, the accuracy of which is already exceeding expectations.

28.09.2023 September 2023: Sea Ice variations around Antarctica

Sea ice thickness can be retrieved by altimeters through the determination of sea ice freeboard and snow depth. It enables to monitor sea ice around Antarctica for the past 20 years or so.

12.09.2023 XTRACK L2P 2022: New AZORES area

A new area AZORES has been added to the XTRACK L2P version 2022 product. There are now 27 coastal areas that are distributed.

07.08.2023 Version 1.1 of Wet Troposphere Correction from water vapour CDRs

The new version 1.1 of the Wet Troposphere Correction from water vapour climate data records is now online on Aviso+, taking into account new versions of input data.

03.08.2023 August 2023: Assessing coastal vulnerability in Ghana

Flood extent mapping for each scenario of Extreme Coastal Water Levels where: (A) 30th percentile of ECWLs with 19% of the area being potentially flooded, (B) 60th percentile of ECWLs with 29% of the area being potentially flooded, (C) 98th percentile of the area being potentially flooded. (from [Brempong et al., 2023])

Sea level rise is already adding to extreme events for low-lying coasts. Altimetry helps in assessing the risks.

02.08.2023 Swot orbit changed for the "science" orbit

Between 10 and 20 July, Cnes teams performed a series of manoeuvres to raise Swot satellite's altitude by 33 km. The satellite has been in a calibration and validation 1 day orbit for 6 months. The aim of the orbit change is to...

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