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17.07.2009 Prelude to El Niño

While current observations indicate El Niño conditions are increasing across the equatorial Pacific Ocean, a quick look with the LAS on recent Sea Level Anomalies evolutions and geostrophic currents confirm that El Niño...

06.07.2009 Envisat annual validation report, 2008

This report is an overview of Envisat validation and cross calibration studies. A statistical evaluation of Envisat altimetric measurements over ocean are presented: with more than six years of data now available in Geophysical...[more]

06.07.2009 June 29-July 4, 2009 week

Le phénomène El Nino devrait se manifester d'ici quelques semaines en Australie (News Environnement, 2009/07/01) La fonte du pergélisol accélère le réchauffement climatique (News Environnement, 2009/07/01) El Nino...[more]

06.07.2009 Spot-2 : end of life and desorbitation

The Spot- 2 satellite was launched on January 1990 and it reaches now the end of its life. It was the first of its serie to integrate Doris: a precise orbit determination and positioning system. With 18 years of Earth...[more]

06.07.2009 July 2009: Jason-2 first year in orbit

One year after launch, Jason-2 is providing data of a very good quality; since the shift of Jason-1, Moreover, the tandem of the two satellites is enhancing data resolution.

29.06.2009 22-27 June, 2009 week

L'élévation du niveau des mers à long terme plus importante que prévue (Cordis, 2009/06/23) Le trou d'ozone réduit l'absorption du CO2 atmosphérique dans l'océan Austral (INSU, 2009/06/21) Les pôles examinés à la loupe (Le...[more]

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