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01.10.2019 October 2019: Monitoring an iceberg topography with altimetry

Satellite Radar altimetry can also measure ice topography over huge icebergs thus monitoring their melt and fragmentation.

06.09.2019 Hurricane Dorian seen by satellites

Hurricane Dorian seen by remote sensing satellites : wave parameters from CFOSAT, Jason-3, Jason-2 and Copernicus Sentinel-3A/B, wind speed from Copernicus Sentinel-1, SMOS and SMAP and ocean ernergy content from models.

02.09.2019 September 2019: Internal tides in the Solomon Sea change with ENSO phases

A better knowledge of internal tides, both coherent and incoherent, is primordial for SWOT altimetry mission. A study in the Solomon Sea shows the complexity in predicting internal tides.

05.08.2019 How to use altimetry for hydrology? - now also in Spanish and Portuguese

A document to explain altimetry for hydrology on Aviso+[more]

01.08.2019 August 2019: Fifty years ago...

Fifty years ago, a meeting took place in Williamstown, USA, where the possibilities for observing the Earth (solid and ocean), including from space, were discussed. Altimetry was much recommended.

24.07.2019 Michel Lefebvre passed away on July 21st, 2019

Michel Lefebvre passed away on July 21st, 2019. Captain of the merchant navy, astronomer, geodesist, driving force, inspiring person, human being and literary man, he has been and was all that and more. He was one of the...[more]

23.07.2019 American Great Lakes at or near their highest in June/July this year

All measurements, altimetry included, are showing the American Great Lakes are at a very high level this year. [more]

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