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21.01.2009 Jason-2 IGDR products available
Jason-2 IGDR products are available on AVISO server from now. These products are computed at CNES in NetCDF file format. 3 types of files are available : - a IGDR native NetCDF formatted datasets ("standard product"); - a...
20.01.2009 OSTM/Jason-2 IGDR data available
In the frame of a cooperation between Cnes, Eumetsat, Nasa and Noaa, OSTM/Jason-2 takes over and continues Topex/Poseidon and Jason-1 missions. After the near real-time data release last December (OGDR) on Eumetsat and Noaa...[more]
16.01.2009 Global product vs Mediterranean product
The LAS provides a regional product for the Mediterranean Sea with some optimized parameters for the characteristics of the Mediterranean signal.
14.01.2009 5-11 January, 2009 week
Changing Sea Ice along the Antarctic Peninsula (Earthobservatory, 2009/01/09) Combien de temps faudrait-il pour remplir le lac Léman ? (Le Figaro, 2009/01/09) Toujours plus de canicules (Le Monde, 2008/01/10) Les sautes...[more]
12.01.2009 Jason-1 orbit change
The Jason-1 satellite will be moved to a new ground track on January 26, 2009 after the end of repeat cycle 259, after more than 7 years of service on the nominal ground track. The OSTM/Jason-2 satellite will continue the long...[more]
05.01.2009 January 2009: lake heights and sizes from satellites
Altimetry ability to monitor lakes level has been demonstrated. Imagery sensors enable to estimate the water surface area. Mixing altimetry and water surface area estimates give hydrologists the water volume needed to study lakes...
30.12.2008 15-26 December, 2008 weeks
Les changements climatiques en cours sont sans précédents depuis 5000 ans (Notre planète info, 2008/12/15) Le changement climatique altère la composition chimique de l'océan (Notre planète info, 2008/12/22) Arctique: moins de...[more]