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20.07.2010 New reprocessed delayed-time data: Finer ocean circulation in the Gulf Stream

The entirely reprocessed Duacs Delayed-Time data set (v3.0.0) are released: One of its impacts is given by revealing finer structures in the large-scale circulation.[more]

13.07.2010 5-10 July, 2010 week

ICESCAPE Tracking Arctic Plankton (Nasa, 2010/07/07) El Niño s'en va, la Niña pointe à l'horizon (AFP, 2010/06/06) On line availability of articles depends on the Newspaper/magazine. We can't thus certify that above articles...[more]

07.07.2010 June 28- July 3, 2010 week

Les marées noires augmentent le niveau d'arsenic dans l'océan (AFP, 2010/07/03) CryoSat-2 exceeding expectations (ESA, 2010/07/01) Sea-Level Rise and Its Impact on Coastal Zones (Sciences, 2010/06/18) On line availability of...[more]

05.07.2010 New reprocessed delayed-time data: closer to the poles

The entirely reprocessed Duacs Delayed-Time data set (v3.0.0) are released. They include new improved processing method, better mapping parameters, new corrections allowing significant impact on the product quality. Here an...[more]

02.07.2010 Alex, the first Atlantic hurricane of the year

The first Atlantic hurricane of the year, Alex moved across the Gulf of Mexico and hit the Mexican coast the 30th of June, while it was classified as a Category 2 hurricane.[more]

01.07.2010 July 2010: North Atlantic Tides

Altimetry both benefits from tide models and helps improve them. The tide is indeed one of the strongest geophysical correction of altimetry, with an amplitude of several meters in some regions, like North-East Atlantic, and...

01.07.2010 Cryosat-2 measures the ice surface in high resolution

Cryosat-2 was launched 3 months ago and already shows some first encouraging results on ice-thickness.[more]

Displaying results 939 to 945 out of 1259