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16.02.2011 7-12 February 2011 week

Record Low Arctic Sea Ice Extent for January (Earth Observatory, 2011/02/08) Australie : les inondations détruisent la Grande barrière de corail (Maxisciences, 2011/02/07) Himalaya : les glaciers fondent, mais plus ou...[more]

10.02.2011 40th anniversary for the French space geodesy research centre


GRGS (Groupe de Recherche de Géodésie Spatiale), the French space geodesy research centre celebrates its 40 years of research on 17 February 2011. [more]

10.02.2011 High Mediterranean Sea Level Anomalies

High positive Sea Level Anomalies are currently observed in Mediterranean Sea. Consequence of negative NAO index ?

09.02.2011 January 31 - February 5, 2011 week

Le climat peut basculer brutalement en moins de dix ans (Planète info, 2011/02/04) La fertilisation des océans, une solution inefficace pour lutter contre le changement climatique ? (News environnement, 2011/02/01) CryoSat ice...[more]

04.02.2011 Flooding and hurricane in Australia seen by altimetry

Australian Northeastern coast is hit by heavy rains occured at the end of 2010 and a strong hurricane early in February 2011. See these events by altimetry.[more]

04.02.2011 Call for nominations to the scientific award "Grand Prix Christian Le Provost" 2011

Nominations are invited for the scientific award "Christian Le Provost, océanographe". Nominations deadline is 2011/03/10.[more]

01.02.2011 Cryosat: ice data now open to all

Few weeks after the end of the commissioning phase, ice data from Cryosat are delivered to scientits.[more]

Displaying results 876 to 882 out of 1259