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10.12.2015 December 2015: Multi-year penguin tracking

King penguins paths are linked to the large-scale circulation variations around Antarctica.

03.12.2015 23 November - 3 December, 2015 weeks

Étudier depuis l’espace l’océan, ce grand régulateur du climat (Académie des Sciences, 2015/12/03)El Niño warming causes significant coral damage in central Pacific (Science Daily, 2015/12/01)El Niño : les satellites voient rouge...[more]

02.12.2015 +3.32 mm /year : Sea level is still rising

Altimetry satellites are a crucial tool for observing variations in mean sea level. Their measurements show a mean sea level rise of around 3.32 mm a year between 1993 and 2015.

01.12.2015 Spot-5 de-orbited from December 1st 2015

The Spot-5 satellite will leave after more than 13 years of operational activity without flaws, far beyond the instrument and the spacecraft nominal life time. After the great success of  the  Spot-5 mission proper (13...[more]

27.11.2015 COP21 - Sea Level Rise

Sign a petition to recognize the sea level rise as a top indicator of the climate change.[more]

18.11.2015 Satellite Jason-3 in preparation in the clean room of the SpaceX site

Satellite Jason-3 in preparation in the clean room of the SpaceX site (Californie, USA) november 12, 2015. Crédits CNES/TAS/SpaceX

13.11.2015 8-14 November 2015 week

La Nasa assure que l’Antarctique gagne plus de glace qu’elle n’en perd (France 24, 2015/04/11)Réchauffement climatique: La Mer de Glace a perdu plus de 3 mètres d'épaisseur en un an (520 MINUTES, 2015/11/10) Arctique: les...[more]

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