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06.05.2024 May 2024: Swot measurements help in seafloor mapping

A single Swot KaRIn altimeter swath can produce marine gravity data of a quality comparable to that obtained over 20 years of conventional nadir altimetry.

25.04.2024 Update of AVISO Mean Sea Level

The AVISO Mean Sea Level has been updated with new figures and maps.

03.04.2024 April 2024: Ocean mirrors the (details of the) depths

The Mean Sea Surface is one of the reference surfaces computed for, and from, altimetry. Including the geoid, it comprises the effect of undersea reliefs on the gravity field.

21.03.2024 New version 04_00 of L2P products in NTC delay

A new version 04_00 of L2P products in Non-Time-Critical delay (NTC) is available for missions Sentinel-3A/B, Sentinel-6 MF, Jason-3/2/1, SARAL/AltiKa, Cryosat-2, HaiYang-2A/B, TOPEX/Poseidon, Envisat, ERS-1/2, Geosat Follow On. [more]

20.03.2024 Swot close to the coasts

Left, Swot KaRIn reflected radar power (sigma0) and, right, in color, the KaRIn 250-m sea level anomalies with derived geostrophic currents overlaid (black lines with arrows). The day of the measurement is an exceptional one, with few waves and little wind. Under these conditions, Swot captures very small-scale roughness changes, visible in sigma0 (white filaments). Those are the tracers of ocean turbulence generated by the movements of larger-scale ocean eddies. The sea level anomalies map mostly show those eddies. (Credit Cnes/CLS/JPL)

One of Swot's most eagerly awaited results over the oceans lies at their boundaries: close to the coast. Swot observes over its entire swath, thus covering most of coastal areas. Moreover, with the 250-m resolution of the data...

08.03.2024 SWOT: Public release of the Version C KaRIn Science Data Products

The joint NASA/CNES SWOT project is pleased to announce the public release of SWOT Version C KaRIn Science Data products.[more]

07.03.2024 Visit Seewater Aviso

Aviso offers a new visualizer for viewing some of its key products[more]

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