Latest News

26.08.2008 Jason-2 (temporarily) integrated into Ssalto/Duacs Near-real time processing

Jason-2 data have been (temporarily) integrated in Ssalto/Duacs NRT processing, instead of Jason-1 (unavailable due to a single event upset and subsequent safehold mode)[more]

22.08.2008 Jason-2 plays roller-coaster in the Algulhas retroflection eddies

Jason-2 measured some quite impressive sea level anomalies South of Africa -more than 2 m between high and low. If such heights, corresponding to eddies in a very turbulent region are not absolutely extraordinary, they are still...[more]

18.08.2008 Jason-2 for hydrology: good perspectives

Improvement of the altimetry data availability over lakes and rivers with respect to Jason-1's is one of the objectives of Jason-2. Results are promising, with much more measurements retrieved.[more]

18.08.2008 3rd cycle for Jason-2

Jason-2 completed its cycle #3, that saw the first tests of the coupling of the satellite tracking with a Digital Elevation model.[more]

12.08.2008 Jason-1 returning back to normal

Jason-1 is going out of safehold mode. See Operational news for more details[more]

08.08.2008 2nd cycle for Jason-2

Jason-2 completed its cycle #2 on 31 July 2008. Results remain very close to Jason-1. Cycle #3 should see the first tests of the coupling of the satellite tracking with a Digital Elevation model.[more]

08.08.2008 A new "News" category: Operational News

An "Operational News" category has been created. From now on, it will report information from the processing segments and from the satellites. It begins with a Jason-1 Safehold mode.

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