Latest News

03.02.2022 CNES organizes a COMET day on coastal altimetry

COMETs (for COMmunautés d'EXperTs) are meetings to exchange knowledge and know-how on various space-related topics (more information at[more]

02.02.2022 February 2022: The tsunami detected by altimeters after the Tonga eruption

On Jan. 15th, 2022, the eruption of a volcano in the Tonga archipelago led to a major tsunami propagating in the Pacific. Altimeters have measured some of this wave.

27.01.2022 New MDT HYBRID CNES-CLS18 CMEMS2020 on AVISO+

This New MDT contains the MDT-CNES-CLS18 and the CMEMS 2020 MDTs over Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea.

25.01.2022 SWOT Simulated products

The SWOT Sea Surface Height simulated products contain Level-2 Low Rate (LR) data (L2_LR_SSH) designed for ocean surfaces. They are available on AVISO+.

21.01.2022 CFOSAT: L2P 5Hz data available on AVISO+

The CFOSAT Level-2+ 5Hz data are now available on AVISO+ in Non Time Critical. There are now 1Hz and 5Hz simplified products for users.[more]

19.01.2022 Aviso+ Users Newsletter #19

AVISO Users Newsletter#19 - January 2022

Release of the 19th Aviso+ Users Newsletter, dedicated to meeting the needs of data users, and highlighting CNES altimetry-mission activities. [more]

17.01.2022 Jason 3, already 6 years old!

On January 17, 2022, the Jason-3 mission celebrates its 6th anniversary in orbit.[more]

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