Latest News

02.02.2023 February 2023: Eddies from altimetry help understand northern elephant seals' behavior

With eddy-detection from altimetry and tracking data, the role of eddies for predators can be better studied

31.01.2023 New SSALTO/DUACS Experimental products including CFOSat for wave-current interactions studies

3 datasets are proposed: along-track L3 across-track geostrophic velocities of CFOSat mission, gridded L4 sea level anomalies and geostrophic velocities from 4 merged missions including CFOSat and gridded L4 Sea level anomalies...

31.01.2023 CFOSAT SWIM data in version 6.1

We are pleased to announce the upgrade in version 6.1 of SWIM data. The V6.1 issue of the SWIM processing chain is operational since January the 17th, this issue contains modifications which are adjustments in the processing.[more]

25.01.2023 First waveforms over river from the nadir altimeter on SWOT

Zoom on the figure below over the Litani river & a single waveform extracted from it, typical of what can be acquired on such rivers (Credit Cnes (Sophie Le Gac & Alexandre Guérin))

After a successful launch on Dec. 16, 2022, the Poseidon-3C nadir altimeter onboard the Swot satellite has started delivering its first measurements, on rivers & lakes too.[more]

23.01.2023 Swot first (nadir) ocean altimetry data

First Poseidon-3C Ku waveform (Credit Cnes)

The sensors of Swot scientific payload have been switched on one by one during the past weeks.[more]

18.01.2023 January 2023: 30 years of El Niño by altimetry

Thirty full years of uninterrupted altimetry data are now available, since January 1993

17.01.2023 Jason-3, already 7-year old!

Jason-3 was launched 7 years ago, put on the "historical" orbit of Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1 and 2.[more]

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