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14.10.2015 October 2015: A future insight to English Channel
Swot, with its large-swath, will be able to reproduce the most of extreme storm surges in the English Channel
12.10.2015 Special issue in Marine Geodesy : The SARAL/AltiKa Altimetry Satellite Mission
A special issue in Marine Geodesy review details some main features of today's Saral/AltiKa data.[more]
05.10.2015 An important step for the SWOT mission: Poseidon nadir altimeter contract signed between Cnes and Thales Alenia Space
Tuesday 29 September, CNES and Thales Alenia Space (TAS) signed the contract covering phase C/D of the Poseidon 3-C radar altimeter to be delivered for the Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission (SWOT).[more]
05.10.2015 Arctic
"Altimetry applications in videos" proposes here the satellite monitoring of Arctic sea ice that provides key indicators to assess the extent of climate change and give us a true picture of our planet.
01.10.2015 21-27 September 2015 week
La biodiversité du plancton s’organise à l’échelle des tourbillons et des fronts océaniques (INSU, 2015/09/25)Réchauffement climatique: Les tortues marines menacées par la diminution du nombre de femelles (20 minutes,...[more]
29.09.2015 13-20 September 2015 week
Réchauffement climatique: les glaciers fondent de plus en plus vite (Sud Ouest, 2015/09/20)Réchauffement climatique, surpêche et pollution ont fait disparaître la moitié des animaux marins en 40 ans (Huffington Post,...[more]
25.09.2015 Mean Sea Level Rise
"Altimetry applications in videos" produced by Cnes on the occasion of the Jason-3 launch, traces the many fields where this technique is involved: here, the rising mean sea level.