Latest News

14.11.2016 SWOT: Satellite technologies for water resources monitoring

In the frame of the COP22 in Marrakech, seven French institutions (AFD, CNES, IOWater, CNR, IRD, Irstea, BRLI) signed a group agreement on Friday 11 November under the patronage and in presence of Mrs. Ségolène Royal, French...[more]

03.11.2016 24-31 October 2016 week

International science meeting discusses achievements and prospects for Ocean Altimetry (Eumetsat, 2016/10/31)Nouvelle-Calédonie : un inventaire de la « biodiversité négligée » (Le Monde, 2016/10/31)Antarctique : un sanctuaire...[more]

27.10.2016 17-23 October 2016 week

La Grande barrière de corail est menacée : si on ne limite pas la pollution, elle mourra (Nouvelobs, 2016/10/23) Réchauffement climatique : les pôles en danger (France culture, 2016/10/18) On line availability of articles...[more]

20.10.2016 10-16 October 2016 week

September 2016 was Warmest on Record by Narrow Margin (Earthobservatory, 2016/10/18) Dual Capacity Established for Jason High Precision Ocean Altimetry Mission (Eumetsat, 2016/10/14) Avec le changement climatique, pas plus de...[more]

18.10.2016 New ocean tide model FES2014 on Aviso

Aviso is pleased to announce the new ocean tide model FES2014 with elevations, load and currents tidal constituants.[more]

17.10.2016 [Jason-2] Back to routine operations after orbit change

OSTM/Jason-2 has successfully completed its transfer to the interleaved orbit.[more]

14.10.2016 New interactive tool to plot the Mean Sea Level

Aviso proposes a new interactive tool enabling to plot the Mean Sea Level trend times series and maps by selecting an area, a time-period (for time series only), one or several satellite missions, ...[more]

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