Latest News

07.09.2021 September 2021: a buoy spiraling over Burdwood Bank

Tidal currents can have an impact on a buoy's path, even in what seems to be the open ocean

18.08.2021 Swot satellite spacecraft now complete

picture from the White room in Thalès Cannes. Credit Thalès Alenia Space

The satellite is entering the final verification phase of the flight system until September 2022.[more]

04.08.2021 August 2021: Understanding phytoplanktonic plumes around the Marquesas Islands

Using different data sources, including remote sensing and in situ together can provide with different aspects of phytoplankton blooms around islands

19.07.2021 Release of AVISO+ Multivariate Inversion of Ocean Surface Topography Internal Tide Model (MIOST-IT)

MIOST-IT solution is based on an original gridding process using ocean signals modes variability and all altimeter measurements available on the nearly entire altimeter era[more]

02.07.2021 L2P SLA S3A&B High frequency (20 Hz) product available on AVISO+

We are pleased to inform you that since July 1st, the new product Copernicus Sentinel-3A&B Level 2 Plus (L2P) SLA in high frequency (20Hz) is available.[more]

28.06.2021 Monthly means of Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE)

From January 1993 to the last extension, the DUACS Delayed-Time gridded dataset allows to compute statistical means of Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE) over different periods of time.[more]

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