Latest News

06.03.2011 Envisat : 9 years and 100 cycles in orbit

Envisat celebrates its 9th anniversary with one hundred cycles of measurments.[more]

02.03.2011 Release of the v3.0 of the Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox

The Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox, the "all-altimeter" collection of tools, tutorials and documents has been released in a new version.[more]

01.03.2011 21-26 February, 2011 week

Melting Snow and Ice Warm Northern Hemisphere (Earth Observatory, 2011/02/24) Les récifs coraliens pourraient complètement disparaître d'ici 2050 (Le Monde, 2011/02/23) La pollution des océans au coeur des préoccupations du...[more]

01.03.2011 March 2011: 177,000 eddies in the oceans

A new altimetry-based dataset tracks eddies between october 1992 and decembre 2008. Their proprieties and trajectories are thus analysed.

23.02.2011 14-19 February, 2011 week

Les glaciers andins fondent en cascades (Sud Ouest, 2011/02/20) La surpêche menace d'épuiser les océans dans les prochaines décennies (AFP, 2011/02/19) Record Melting in Greenland during 2010 (Earthobservatory, 2011/02/18) Le...[more]

17.02.2011 February 2011: "Lively currents" plus ten years

With now more than 16 years of altimetry data, get a second look at the variability computed from the whole time series.

16.02.2011 New AVISO CNES data Catalogue online

The new catalogue "AVISO CNES Data Center" is now open! Link: This new interface is used by CNES to archive a wide range of altimetric (including GDRs, SGDRs, etc...) and auxiliary data...[more]

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