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12.07.2023 New on AVISO+: Barystatic and manometric sea level changes from satellite geodesy

The barystatic and manometric sea level changes represent the mass component of sea level changes at global and regional scales respectively. They are estimated here using two different approaches: from satellite gravimetry and...

03.07.2023 Polar Oceans Products: release of v2.0

A new version v2.0 is available for Arctic and Southern Oceans SSALTO/DUACS experimental gridded and along-track products.[more]

03.07.2023 July 2023: Detecting eddies around Antarctica

Sea level anomaly datasets and eddy detection on 2017/09/01, Eddy Kinetic Energy in the Southern Ocean (The black dashed line is the −1,000 m isobath. The bold black line is the limit of the subpolar Southern Ocean, defined here as the −180 cm MDT contour) (modified from [Auger et al., 2023])

Sea level anomalies gridded datasets encompassing seasonnally-ice covered regions have been computed and released for Arctic and Antarctic. From those, Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE) and mesoscale eddies detection can be processed.