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18.10.2023 Swot's detailed view of the ocean

Left panel Swot Sea Surface Height Anomalies (2 km) over the North-West Atlantic region on February 4, 2023. Sea Surface Temperature (middle panel) and Chlorophyll-A (right panel) maps over the same region (Credits Cnes/CLS/JPL for Swot data (L3 product), Copernicus Marine Service for SST data, CLS for Chlorophyll-A data)

One of the Swot mission (Nasa/Cnes) goals is to detect fine scale ocean features (15-150 km), unprecedently observed by nadir-looking altimeters.[more]

16.10.2023 New DAC dedicated to SWOT Calval Phase

The Dynamic Atmospheric Correction dedicated to the SWOT Calval phase is now available on AVISO+. During the SWOT Calval phase, to fulfill the primary DAC objective and focus on the aliased ocean signals, a specific DAC has been...

03.10.2023 Release of MSS CNES CLS 2022

The Mean Sea Surface MSS CNES CLS 2022 is now available on AVISO+. It has been computed using a 29-year [1993-2021] period of altimetric data.

01.10.2023 October 2023: Swot scans the Southern Ocean

© Cnes / Nasa-JPL / Science team Swot / CLS

Up to now in its calval phase, Swot is starting to deliver its first scientific data, the accuracy of which is already exceeding expectations.