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23.04.2009 13-19 April, 2009 week

Face à la montée des eaux, les Maldives cherchent des terres d'accueil (Le Monde,  2009/04/16) Pôle Nord, pôle Sud : la fonte des glaces s'accélère (Le Monde, 2009/04/14) Argos : comprendre l'océan austral avec les...[more]

20.04.2009 New release of the Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox

A new release of the Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox with major upgrades of the software is available.[more]

17.04.2009 Black Sea : a new regional product for the LAS

The LAS now includes a new regional product for the Black Sea with a high spatial resolution and a mesoscale pattern well defined.

15.04.2009 6-11 April, 2009 week

L'océan dévoile de nouveaux secrets! (Sur la toile, 2009/04/09) Aux marges de l'Antarctique de l'Ouest, la plaque Wilkins se disloque (Le Monde, 2009/04/07) Les glaces de la banquise arctique sont de moins en moins épaisses (La...[more]

09.04.2009 30 March - 4 April, 2009 week

Keeping an eye on Wilkins Ice Shelf (ESA, 2009/04/03) Nouveau rapport alarmant sur la banquise en Antarctique (L'Express, 2009/04/04) Climat Montée des océans : La mer monte aussi en Polynésie (Fréquence Terre,...[more]

06.04.2009 April 2009: Cruise around Kerguelen Island

Use of altimetry data during an oceanographic cruise help better place the deployed instruments. And, vice-versa, these instruments help in validating altimetry data.

06.04.2009 Altimetry applications in videos: Offshore activities

The launch of the OSTM/Jason-2 satellite, on June 2008, makes new data available, improving operational systems for ocean forecasts and marine meteorology and thus contributing to the safety of people and property in all offshore...[more]

Displaying results 1065 to 1071 out of 1244