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06.04.2009 April 2009: Cruise around Kerguelen Island

Use of altimetry data during an oceanographic cruise help better place the deployed instruments. And, vice-versa, these instruments help in validating altimetry data.

06.04.2009 Altimetry applications in videos: Offshore activities

The launch of the OSTM/Jason-2 satellite, on June 2008, makes new data available, improving operational systems for ocean forecasts and marine meteorology and thus contributing to the safety of people and property in all offshore...[more]

01.04.2009 23-28 March, 2009 week

L'océan Pacifique Tropical Ouest se réchauffe et se dessale (INSU, 2009/03/27) Les enjeux économiques du canal de Suez (Le monde, 2009/03/25) Le lien entre El Nino et le réchauffement climatique remis en...[more]

25.03.2009 16-21 March 2009 week

A la recherche du géoïde parfait (Le Monde, 2009/03/20) ESA lauches first Earth Explorer mission GOCE (ESA, 2009/03/17) 120 pays attendus à la conférence mondiale sur les océans en Indonésie ( AFP,...[more]

20.03.2009 Variability of Mediterranean Sea

Like all seas and oceans over the world, the Mediterranean Sea has a spatial and temporal variability. By representing the sea level anomalies rms over all the available period (1992-2008), strong, medium and low variability...

19.03.2009 9-14 March, 2009 week

Acidic seas fuel extinction fears (BBC, 2009/03/11) Sur la côte nord d'Hokkaido, l'île la plus septentrionale du Japon, la banquise fond de plus en plus tôt (le Monde, 2009/03/10) Les experts du climat se retrouvent à...[more]

17.03.2009 Liftoff of GOCE on 17 March 2009

Following the interruption yesterday during the countdown, the launch has been postponed. Finally, Goce was launched this afternoon, on 17 March 2009.[more]

Displaying results 1072 to 1078 out of 1246