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12.03.2009 2-8 March, 2009 week

GOCE satellite launch - mapping the Earth's gravity as never before (ESA, 2009/03/09) Acidification des océans: les coquilles des organismes marins diminuent (yahoo, 2009/03/08) La recherche polaire confirme un réchauffement...[more]

10.03.2009 Goce ready to be launched on 16 March 2009

Esa's Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (Goce) has been developed to improve the knowledge about the gravity field. An accurate gravity map -the geoid- is also crucial for geodesy applications and for...[more]

05.03.2009 Aviso Altimetry on Google Earth

Find again the most beautiful pictures of the altimetry applications all over the oceans with Google Earth: currents, eddies, geoid, bathymetry, ...[more]

05.03.2009 23-28 February, 2009 week

L'océan, un puits de carbone qui sature ? (Pour la Science, 2009/02/26) La fonte des glaces des deux pôles s'accélère plus que prévu (L’internaute, 2009/02/25) Melting on the Greenland Ice Cap, 2008 (Earthobservatory,...[more]

02.03.2009 March 2009: Striped ocean

The availability of a long series of altimetry data had enabled to discover "striations" in the geostrophic velocities computed from the dynamic topography. Studies are ongoing to understand such a phenomena.

02.03.2009 First results for the new Jason tandem

First results made by Ssalto/Duacs since the end of Jason-1 drift, using the new multi-satellites configuration show good results.[more]

26.02.2009 16-21 February, 2009 week

La terre vue de l'espace : « samedi noir » pour les feux de brousses (ESA, 2009/02/20) Un cinquième des récifs coralliens a déjà disparu, le reste est en grand danger (Le Monde, 2009/02/18) Les glaciers andins...[more]

Displaying results 1079 to 1085 out of 1246