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01.04.2008 24-29 March, 2008 week

En mesurant les océans, le satellite Jason-2 contribuera à la connaissance du climat (Yahoo, 2008/03/27) Les glaces antarctiques disparaissent (Courrier International, 2008/03/27) Un large pan de barrière de glace se disloque...[more]

28.03.2008 Altimetry applications in videos : Oil Spill

Simulation de dérives des nappes de pétrole du Prestige en novembre 2002 avec le modèle de dérive Mothy et assimilation des courants Mercator à 103 m.

The contribution of satellites to the detection, monitoring and forecasting of oil drifts has been demonstrated. Thanks to synergies between stakeholders, a continuous monitoring procedure is about to become operational in...[more]

27.03.2008 17-21 March, 2008 week

L'océan Pacifique Sud-Ouest passé au crible (INSU, 2008/03/20) La couche de glace la plus épaisse et la plus vieille de l'Arctique est en train de fondre (actualités news environnement, 2008/19/03) La fonte des plus grands...[more]

19.03.2008 Altimetry applications in videos : Venice

The city of Venice has suffered assaults from the sea for many years. By improving the quality and quantity of altimetry measurements, the Jason-2 satellite will contribute to its protection.[more]

19.03.2008 10-15 March, 2008 week

Glaciers suffer record shrinkage (BBC, 2008/03/16) La tendance à la fonte des glaciers s'accélère dans le monde entier (Yahoo, 2008/03/16) Fonte record l'an dernier sur un glacier antarctique (Yahoo, 2008/03/14) Les barrages...[more]

17.03.2008 Jason-2 orbital views

Visualize the Jason-2 satellite at an altitude of 1336 km and view it from every angle with this interactive interface : detail its instruments, deploy its solar panels to get maximum solar radiation, point the altimeter antenna...

14.03.2008 Mediterranean animated currents

The latest version of the LAS (7.+) enables a new data representation, very useful to highlight the evolution of a variable over time: animated images. Example in the Mediterranean Sea

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