
25.10.2019 16:25 Age: 5 yrs

Call for articles for a Special Issue of Remote Sensing on Altimetry Cal/Val

Category: Events

The call for papers is open to all aspects of calibration and validation over all surfaces and including Cal/val of the necessary ancillary information or details on Cal/Val strategies for upcoming missions (deadline:31st May 2020)

Satellite-borne radar altimeters have been making measurements of sea level, wave height and surface roughness for several decades, so the principles of conventional marine altimetry are very mature. The adoption of wider parts of the electromagnetic spectrum (lasers, as well as Ka-, Ku - C- and S-band radars) and the development of new technologies (delay Doppler altimetry, interferometric altimetry, bistatic altimetry and swath instruments) offer new opportunities and new challenges. Improved tracking capabilities have led to applications in the coastal zone, in the cryosphere, over land and over inland waters. As each domain has different surface properties, retrackers need to be developed for the particular waveforms, and each of these requires separate assessment. Where these domains meet, there is the additional complication of ensuring consistency. Each instrument requires dedicated effort to understand and minimise instrumental, measurement, and processing errors, and to harmonise the data coming from multiple altimeter missions such that multiinstrument gridded ocean products can be constructed. Coupled with this is the need to develop and monitor ancillary measurements and corrections, such as orbits and atmospheric path delays derived from models or microwave radiometry. This Special Issue will address all aspects of improving and verifying the accuracy, stability and consistency of conventional and new altimetric datasets over all domains. <link https: journal remotesensing special_issues alt_calval _blank external-link-new-window>