
12.10.2015 09:01 Age: 9 yrs

Special issue in Marine Geodesy : The SARAL/AltiKa Altimetry Satellite Mission

Category: News of the Saral mission, Events

A special issue in Marine Geodesy review details some main features of today's Saral/AltiKa data.

The India-France Saral/AltiKa mission launched on February 2013 is the first Ka-band altimetric mission dedicated to oceanography. If the main mission objectives concern the observation of the ocean, the secondary objectives include ice sheet and inland waters monitoring.
This special issue provide some scientific examples that illustrate some main features of today's SARAL/AltiKa data with regard to standard altimetry: data availability, data accuracy at the mesoscales, data usefulness in costal area, over ice sheet, and for inland waters.

Further information:

  • Marine Geodesy (2015):  Special Issue, The SARAL/AltiKa Satellite Altimetry Mission. Volume 38, Supplement 1, 2015 DOI:10.1080/01490419.2014.1000471. See the list of all articles <link http: toc umgd20 sup1 _blank external-link-new-window>here.
  • Mission: <link internal-link>Saral/AltiKa